Gressly, Amanz

Gressly, Amanz

Swiss geologist
born July 17, 1814, Bärschwil, Switz.
died April 13, 1865, Bern

      Swiss geologist who originated the study of stratigraphic facies when he discovered lateral differences in the character and fossil content of strata in the Jura Mountains, reflecting a variation of the original environment of deposition.

      At a time when geologists mainly studied the vertical succession of rock and fossil beds, Gressly observed the great horizontal changes in each individual layer. InObservations géologiques sur le Jura Soleurois” (183841), he coined the term facies to describe the aspects (orfaces”) of the terrain. Gressly worked closely with Louis Agassiz at Neuchâtel, and, when Agassiz went to the United States in 1846, Gressly turned to engineering work on tunnels for the alpine railroads. His discoveries there, combined with his extensive fossil collection, enabled him accurately to predict sedimentary strata in regions he had not visited. He is considered to have laid the foundations for modern paleogeography.

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Universalium. 2010.

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