- Getty Trust
▪ American foundationprivate operating foundation that was founded by the American oil billionaire J. Paul Getty (Getty, J. Paul) in 1953 for the purpose of establishing the J. Paul Getty Museum, which opened to the public in 1954. The Getty Trust has become a multibillion-dollar philanthropic foundation dedicated to enlarging and exhibiting its deceased founder's art collection in the Getty Museum. The trust also funds and operates ongoing programs of conservation, research, documentation, and education in the visual arts. It is headquartered in Los Angeles, Calif.J. Paul Getty began collecting artworks in the 1930s and displayed them in his ranch house in Malibu, Calif. His museum occupied a wing added to the ranch house, but the collection eventually outgrew that space, so Getty built a new museum in Malibu that opened in 1974. This second J. Paul Getty Museum was a lavish re-creation of the Villa dei Papiri, a Roman villa uncovered in the town of Herculaneum, which had been buried by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. Getty died in 1976 and bequeathed the bulk of his fortune—about $700 million worth of stock in the Getty Oil Company—to the museum. Legal wrangles followed, but when the Getty Trust actually received the bequest in 1982, it had grown to $1.2 billion, making the Getty Museum perhaps the most richly endowed cultural institution in the world. The trust also received part of the proceeds from the sale of the Getty Oil Company to Texaco Inc. for $10 billion in 1984. The trust's endowment totaled more than $4 billion by the late 1990s.In 1983 the trust diversified its activities, establishing institutes specializing in art restoration, art historical research and documentation, and art education. The trust then decided to construct a complex of buildings to house a new, enlarged J. Paul Getty Museum as well as the other operating programs. After 14 years of planning and construction, the Getty Center, a six-building campus set on a hilltop in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles, opened to the public in 1997. The buildings were designed by the American architect Richard Meier in a restrained modernist style.The J. Paul Getty Museum occupies the largest building in the complex. The museum contains European paintings, sculpture, drawings, and decorative arts from before 1900, as well as illuminated manuscripts and photographs. The museum's collections reflect Getty's preference for Renaissance and Baroque paintings and French furniture. (Getty's collection of Greek and Roman antiquities remains in the Roman villa in Malibu.)The other buildings of the Getty Center house five institutes and a grant program. The Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities contains a large library and archives and supports interdisciplinary research in art history and the related humanities. The Getty Conservation Institute conducts and supports scientific research and training in the conservation of art, architecture, and archaeological sites. The Getty Information Institute develops computerized databases of art historical information. The Getty Education Institute for the Arts promotes art education in schools. The Getty Leadership Institute for Museum Management offers management training for professionals from all types of museums.The Getty Grant Program supports projects around the world involving research in the history and understanding of art and its conservation.
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Universalium. 2010.