

      an ancient people of Thracian origin, inhabiting the banks of the lower Danube region and nearby plains. First appearing in the 6th century BC, the Getae were subjected to Scythian influence and were known as expert mounted archers and devotees of the deity Zalmoxis. Although the daughter of their king became the wife of Philip II of Macedon in 342 BC, the Macedonians under Philip II's son Alexander (Alexander the Great) crossed the Danube and burned the Getic capital seven years later. Getic technology was influenced by that of the invading Celts in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC. Under Burebistas (fl. lst century BC), the Getae and nearby Dacians formed a powerful but short-lived state. By the middle of the following century, when the Romans had gained control over the lower Danube region, thousands of Getae were displaced, and, not long thereafter, references to the Getae disappeared from history. Later writers wrongly gave the name Getae to the Goths.

      The Getae and Dacians were closely related; some historians even suggest that these were names applied to a single people by different observers or at different times. Their culture is sometimes called Geto-Dacian.

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  • GETAE — pop. in Scythia Europaea, quos Appian. de Bell. Illyr. p. 758. et 763. Dacos vocat. Strab. vero l. 7. p. 294. et 295. et 304. Getas a Dacis ita distinguit, ut Getae sint, qui ad pontum in Orientem vergunt: Daci vero, qui in oppositum latus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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