

▪ Roman emperor
in full  Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus 
died 253, near Interamna, Latium [modern Teramo, Italy]

      Roman emperor from 251 to 253.

      Gallus came from an ancient family of Perusia (modern Perugia, Italy), whose ancestry could be traced to the pre-Roman Etruscan aristocracy. He served the emperor Decius with loyalty and distinction as legate of Moesia and was proclaimed emperor after the defeat and death (June 251) of Decius at the hands of the Goths. Gallus then concluded an unfavourable treaty with the enemy. He adopted Decius's son Hostilian as his coruler and at the same time made his own son, Volusianus, a secondary and later coemperor. Hostilian died of plague shortly after receiving his title. The Goths renewed their attacks early in 253, and at midyear the armies of Moesia proclaimed their commander, Aemilian, emperor. Gallus summoned Valerian, commander of the armies of the Upper Rhine, to his aid but was killed by his own troops before Valerian arrived.

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