Gallican chant

Gallican chant

      music of the ancient Latin Roman Catholic (Roman Catholicism) liturgy in the Gaul of the Franks from about the 5th to the 9th century. Scholars assume that a simple and uniform liturgy (liturgical music) existed in western Europe until the end of the 5th century and that only in the 6th century did the Gallican church develop its own rite and chant with Oriental influences.

      Because of the desire of Rome to have a unified liturgical practice in the West, the Frankish kings Pippin III (d. 768) and Charlemagne (d. 814) suppressed the Gallican rite in favour of the Roman. Although no known manuscripts of Gallican chant have survived, some authentic remnants of it are found in the repertory of Gregorian chant in the liturgy for Good Friday, among them theImproperia,” “Crux fidelis,” andPange lingua.” These chants embedded in the Roman liturgy help to illustrate the theory that the Gregorian chant that has come down to modern times is a synthesis of Roman and Frankish elements. Certain characteristics stand out from surviving examples of Gallican chant. There is a pull in the chants toward cadences on C, motifs frequently are built on the notes CDE or CEG, and E is often used as a reciting note.

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Universalium. 2010.

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