Gallia Aquitania — (Latin pronunciation IPA|/ˈɡalːia akʷiːˈtaːnia/; [Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879). Aquitania . A Latin Dictionary. [ ta ni%5Ea Perseus Digital… … Wikipedia
Gallia Belgica — This article is about the Roman province. For the pre Roman people, see Belgae. For other uses, see Belgica (disambiguation). Map with the location of Gallia Belgica shortly before the Roman conquest … Wikipedia
GALLIA — maxima Europae pars, quicquid enim terrarum a Rheno per Oceanum, Pyrenaeos montes, mare Mediterraneum, et Appenninum montem, usque ad Anconam clauditur, communi appellatione Gallia Latinis appellatur. A candore populi sic dicta, Γάλα enim Graecis … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
COMATA Gallia — vide Gallia. Lucan. l. 1. v. 443. Crinibus effusis toti praelate Comatae … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
LUGDUNENSIS Gallia — ab urbe Lugduno, velut a metropoli sua nomen accepit: quae ante eam conditam, ab indigenis Celtica, a Romanis Galla appellabatur. Licet enim totius primum Galliae incolae Celtae dicerentur, tamen, ut inter Africae provincias fuit Africa proprie… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
TRANSALPINA Gallia — eadem quae Comata; diducitur in Belgicam, Celticam, et Lugdunensem, Lloyd. Vide Gallia, et Lugdunensis … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Decimus Iunius Brutus Albinus — (* um 81 v. Chr.; † September 43 v. Chr.) war ein römischer Politiker und Soldat. Er war ein langjähriger Offizier und enger Vertrauter Gaius Iulius Caesars, unter dem er Karriere machte. Aus nicht bekannten Gründen schloss er sich der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roman Gaul — For Gaul before the Roman conquest, see Gaul. Roman Gaul consisted of an area of provincial rule in the Roman Empire, in modern day France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and western Germany. Roman control of the area lasted for 600 years. The Roman Empire … Wikipedia
Pueblos galos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Galia y los pueblos galos La expresión pueblos galos designa a los pueblos protohistóricos de celtas que residían en la Galia, (Gallia en latín), es decir, aproximadamente en los territorios de las actuales … Wikipedia Español
Roman province — In Ancient Rome, a province (Latin, provincia , pl. provinciae ) was the basic, and until the Tetrarchy (circa 296), largest territorial and administrative unit of the empire s territorial possessions outside of the Italian peninsula. The word… … Wikipedia