

      (probably from Latin fas, “divine law”), in ancient Rome, sacred calendar of the dies fasti, or days of the month on which it was permitted to transact legal affairs; the word also denoted registers of various types. The fasti were first exhibited in the Forum in 304 BC by the aedile Gnaeus Flavius (Flavius, Gnaeus), who broke a patrician monopoly on their use, and thereafter such lists became common. They usually contained not only the months and days of the year, together with the different festivals, but also a variety of other information, such as the dates of military victories and temple dedications. The fasti were carved in stone or marble, although they are also extant in manuscript form. About 20 survive in different states of completeness.

      Fasti also denoted registers in the form of historical records; for example, lists of consuls (fasti consulares) were accompanied by records of triumphs (fasti triumphales). A notable example survives in the fragments of the Capitoline fasti, which were set up on an arch in the Roman Forum (18/17 BC). A listing of the Secular Games was added from 17 BC to AD 88. Triumphal fasti were inscribed on the same arch, from that of Romulus until the last triumph not celebrated by a member of the imperial family, that of Lucius Cornelius Balbus (Balbus, Lucius Cornelius) in 19 BC.

      Although the fasti preserve important evidence for Roman chronology, the records for the 5th century seem to be reconstructions, full of guesswork and the propaganda of Roman noble families. The 4th-century records seem somewhat better, and from about 300 the fasti appear to be consistently accurate. The brave act of Gnaeus Flavius in 304 had not only immediate political consequences but also long-term benefits for the accurate chronology of Roman history.

E. Badian

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