Fanti, Manfredo

Fanti, Manfredo

Italian general
born Feb. 23, 1808, Carpi, Kingdom of Italy
died April 5, 1865, Florence

      one of the most capable patriot generals during the mid-19th-century wars of Italian independence; he helped the northern Italian house of SardiniaPiedmont consolidate Italy under its leadership.

      Exiled for participating in a republican uprising in Savoy (1831), Fanti distinguished himself for several years fighting for the liberals in France and in Spain. He returned to Milan in 1848 to fight the Austrians, but the SardiniaPiedmont forces were defeated despite his tactical genius. King Charles Albert of Sardinia reopened the war and was again decisively beaten at Novara (March 1849). Fanti, suspected of being too ardent a revolutionary by his Piedmontese superiors, was removed from command but later cleared.

      While fighting Austria again in 1859, Fanti scored brilliant victories at Palestro, Magenta, and San Martino. After the Peace of Villafranca, he organized the army of the Central Italian League, which included Tuscany, Modena, Parma, and Romagna. When central Italy was annexed by Piedmont, Fanti became minister of war (January 1860). After the invasion of Sicily (May 1860) by the revolutionary force of Giuseppe Garibaldi, King Victor Emmanuel II of SardiniaPiedmont sent Fanti south. He won impressive victories in the papal lands. The King took command as the Italians entered Neapolitan territory, where Fanti scored further successes. In reforming the Italian army, Fanti opposed concessions to Garibaldi and his volunteersa position that made Fanti unpopular and led to his resignation in June 1861, but in April 1862 he accepted command of an army corps in Florence.

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