

 town, northeast-central Austria, on the Enns River near its junction with the Danube, southeast of Linz. Its suburb of Lorch (incorporated into Enns in 1938) is on the site of the Roman camp of Lauriacum. Enns itself was established as a fortress in the 9th century and was chartered in 1212, making it the oldest chartered municipality in Austria. Notable landmarks include the parish church (130843), one of the finest early Gothic buildings in Austria; the Stadtturm, or Town Tower (155468); the castle of Ennsegg (1565; on older foundations); and the old town hall (1547), now housing a local museum with Roman relics. The Baroque Abbey of St. Florian is to the west of the town. Enns manufactures glassware, jewelry, and roofing and has breweries. The town's retail trade is an important aspect of the regional economy. Pop. (2006) 10,904.

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