Ennodius, Magnus Felix

Ennodius, Magnus Felix

Italian bishop and writer
born 473/4, Arelate, Gaul
died 521, Ticinum, Pavia

      Latin poet, prose writer, rhetorician, and bishop, some of whose prose works are valuable sources for historians of his period.

      A member of the important and influential family of the Anicii, Ennodius lived in Ticinum and Mediolanum (Milan), an important centre of learning. Though his interests were largely secular and literary, in 493 he was ordained deacon to the Bishop of Ticinum, and in 507 he was appointed by the Pope to compose a panegyric on Theodoric, expressing gratitude for the Arian king's tolerance of Catholicism. After a sudden illness he renounced secular pursuits in fulfillment of a vow. After appointment to the see of Ticinum in about 513, Ennodius was sent by Theodoric on an embassy to the court of the emperor Anastasius I at Constantinople. Ennodius has been represented as a friend of Theodoric, but his support of him may have been a consequence of the friendship between Theodoric and Epiphanius, the former bishop of Ticinum.

      Ennodius' literary output is considerable and varied. He composed occasional poems, including two itineraries of his journeys, two poems on works of art, another on a garden, some epigrams, and other miscellaneous poems of lesser merit. His prose works include a biography of Epiphanius, which throws a valuable light on the political activity of the church and is, together with a panegyric on Theodoric, an important source for the historian; Dictiones, a collection of model speeches which reveal the continuance of the traditional rhetorical education and give a valuable description of the school of the grammarian Deuterius in Milan; epistles on a wide range of subjects (including some addressed to Boethius, to whom he was related); and the Eucharisticum de vita sua, a kind of confession. He also wrote, in a mixture of prose and verse, the Paraenesis didascalica, otherwise entitled Ennodius Ambrosio et Beato, a didactic treatise on grammar and rhetoric.

      Much of Ennodius' writing shows his devotion to pagan Roman tradition, which was zealously fostered by the Anician family; like other members of his family, he sought to reconcile this tradition with Christianity. The rhetorical basis of his training and interest is reflected throughout his works, the chief concern of which is form, but his style is affected, excessive, overelaborate, and diffuse.

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