

also called  Enet'-enche,  Yeniseiok , or  Yenisey Samoyeds 

      an indigenous Arctic people (Arctic) who traditionally resided on the east bank of the lower Yenisey River of Russia. They numbered about 300 in the Russian census of 2002.

      The Enets live in the Arctic tundra, a region of permafrost, and are divided into two major groups, the so-called Tundra Enets and the Wood Enets, though smaller divisions also exist. In addition to living in different ecozones, the Tundra and Wood groups each speak a different dialect of the Enets language, which belongs to the Uralic language family (Uralic languages).

      The Enets are closely associated with the Nganasans (Nganasan), the Nenets, the Dolgans (Dolgan), and the Evenks (Evenk) and consider themselves the original inhabitants of the Taymyr Peninsula. Until the Soviet intrusion into this region, the Enets were nomadic hunters and fishers who used domesticated reindeer as draft animals. Soviet rule brought forced settlement for the Enets and initiated the wholesale destruction of their environment in the interest of industry.

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