

      city, Alicante provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Valencia, southeastern Spain, northwest of Alicante city. Of ancient origin, Elda was called Idella by the Iberians, early peoples of Spain. The city first achieved importance under the Moors, who occupied it in the 8th century and built a castle (ruins remain); it was re-Christianized by James I of Aragon in 1265. In the 18th century Elda was given the title Fidelísima (“most faithful”) by Philip V for its loyalty to the crown during the War of the Spanish Succession. Elda, connected by rail with Almansa and Alicante, is the centre of a fertile grain and fruit-producing area. The manufacture of footwear is the city's main industry, and Elda is the site of the Shoe Museum. Elda also hosts an annual shoe fair, which attracts exhibitors, designers, and manufacturers from all over Europe. Other manufactures include paper, furniture, and esparto fibre. Pop. (2007 est.) mun., 55,289.

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