Des Périers, Bonaventure

Des Périers, Bonaventure

French author
born c. 1500, Arnay-le-duc, France?
died c. 1544, Lyon

      French storyteller and humanist who attained notoriety as a freethinker.

      In 1533 or 1534 Des Périers visited Lyon, then the most enlightened town of France and a refuge for many liberal scholars. He assisted Pierre-Robert Olivétan and Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques) in the preparation of the vernacular version of the Old Testament and Étienne Dolet (Dolet, Étienne) in the Commentarii linguae Latinae. Margaret Of Angoulême, queen of Navarre, made him her valet de chambre in 1536. He acted as her secretary and transcribed her Heptaméron; some maintain that he in fact wrote the work.

      The free discussions permitted at Margaret's court encouraged a license of thought as displeasing to the Calvinists as to the Roman Catholics; it became skepticism in Des Périers's Cymbalum Mundi (1538; Cymbalum Mundi: Four Very Ancient Joyous and Facetious Dialogues), a brilliant and violent attack upon Christianity. The allegorical form of its four dialogues in imitation of the Greek rhetorician Lucian did not conceal its real meaning. It was suppressed (c. 1538), but it was reprinted in Paris in the same year. His book made many bitter enemies for Des Périers, who prudently left Paris and settled at Lyon. Tradition has it that he killed himself in 1544, but this is questionable.

      His collected works, published in 1544, include his poems, the Traité des quatre vertus cardinales après Sénèque (“Treatise on the Four Cardinal Virtues After Seneca”), and a translation of Plato's Lysis. Nouvelles récréations et joyeux devis (The Mirrour of Mirth and Pleasant Conceits, or Novel Pastimes and Merry Tales), the collection of stories and fables on which his fame rests, appeared at Lyon in 1558. The stories are models of simple, direct narration in the vigorous, witty, and picturesque French of the 16th century.

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