

      Mayan Indians of northern Chiapas in southeastern Mexico. The Chol language is closely related to Chontal, spoken by neighbouring people to the north, and to Chortí, spoken by people of eastern Guatemala. Although little is known of Chol culture at the time of the Spanish Conquest (early 16th century), Mayan linguists consider it highly probable that the language of the Mayan hieroglyphs was an earlier form of Chol. The Chol and Chontal people are lowlanders, although there are some mountainous areas in their territories. The climate is humid, and rainfall is heavy. The Chol are an agricultural people, growing corn (maize), beans, and squash as staples, as well as coffee, sugarcane, potatoes, rice, and vegetables. Poultry and pigs are also economically important. Crafts are declining, although some weaving is still done. Clothing is semitraditional, the women wearing short-sleeved cotton blouses and long skirts and the men wearing cotton pants and jackets and straw hats. Houses are built of poles with palm thatch roofs and may sometimes be coated with lime or mud.

      Religion is Roman Catholic with pagan syncretism; saints are worshiped in the church, while sacred mountains and caves, the Sun and Moon, and stone idols are also venerated. Curing ceremonies are practiced to drive out evils that cause illness.

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Universalium. 2010.

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