Celebes crested macaque

Celebes crested macaque

also called  black macaque 

      a mainly arboreal Indonesian monkey named for the narrow crest of hair that runs along the top of the head from behind the overhanging brow. The Celebes crested macaque is found only in the Minahasa region on the island of Sulawesi ( Celebes) and on nearby Bacan Island (Bacan), where it was probably introduced by humans.

      Stump-tailed and covered with dark brown or black fur, its body is 5565 cm (2226 inches) long. Adult females weigh about 5.5 kg (12 pounds) and adult males nearly 10 kg. The long, flat muzzle is black and nearly hairless. Active during the day and primarily arboreal, this monkey feeds on fruit in its tropical forest (tropical rainforest) habitat. Troops are large, usually numbering 20 or more, and each troop includes several adult males. A closely related species, the Gorontalo macaque (M. nigrescens), lives just southwest of Minahasa, and at least five other species of macaques live in other parts of Sulawesi. Although sometimes incorrectly called apes (ape), Celebes macaques are monkeys belonging to the family Cercopithecidae.

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