
/meuh kak", -kahk"/, n.
any monkey of the genus Macaca, chiefly of Asia, characterized by cheek pouches and, usually, a short tail: several species are threatened or endangered.
[1690-1700; < F < Pg macaco monkey. See MACACO]

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Any of about 12 primarily Asian species of omnivorous, diurnal monkeys (genus Macaca) with cheek pouches for carrying food.

Some species have long tails, some have short tails, and some have none. Males are 1628 in. (4170 cm) long (excluding the tail) and weigh 1240 lb (5.518 kg). Troops live in mountains and lowlands and along shores. The rhesus monkey (M. mulatta) has been important to medical and psychological research. Malays train pig-tailed macaques (M. nemestrina) to pick coconuts. See also Barbary ape; bonnet monkey; Celebes black ape.
(as used in expressions)

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 any of about 20 species of gregarious Old World monkeys (monkey), all of which are Asian except for the Barbary macaque of North Africa. Macaques are robust primates (primate) whose arms and legs are of about the same length. Their fur is generally a shade of brown or black, and their muzzles, like those of baboons (baboon), are doglike but rounded in profile, with nostrils on the upper surface. The tail varies between species and may be long, of moderate length, short, or absent. Size differs between the sexes and between the species; males range in head and body length from about 41 to 70 cm (16 to 28 inches) and in weight from about 2.4 kg (5.3 pounds) in females and 5.5 kg in males of the smallest species, the crab-eating macaque (M. fascicularis), to a maximum of about 13 kg in females and 18 kg in males of the largest species, the Tibetan macaque (M. thibetana).

 Macaques live in troops of varying size. The males dominate the troop and live within a clear but shifting dominance rank order. The ranking of females is longer-lasting and depends on their genealogical position. Macaques are somewhat more arboreal than baboons but are equally at home on the ground; they are also able to swim. Depending on the species, they live in forests, on plains, or among cliffs and rocky terrain. Macaques are omnivorous, and they possess large cheek pouches in which they carry extra food. Breeding occurs year-round in some (mostly tropical) species, but, among those living outside the tropics, it is seasonal. Single young are born after about six months' gestation and become adult at four years. Macaques are considered highly intelligent but may be bad-tempered as adults.

      The seven species of short-tailed macaques on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi ( Celebes) vary in appearance from the distinctive Celebes blackape” (Celebes crested macaque) (M. nigra) at the northern end of the island to the less-specialized Moor macaque (M. maura) in the south. Most of the Sulawesi species are in danger of extinction. Crab-eating, or long-tailed, macaques (M. fascicularis) of Southeast Asia have whiskered brown faces; they live in forests along rivers, where they eat fruit and fish for crabs and other crustaceans. In the 1950s they were used extensively in studies that led to the development of the polio vaccine. Macaques in general, including the rhesus monkey (M. mulatta), are the monkeys most widely used in biomedical research. Rhesus monkeys are native to northern India, Myanmar (Burma), Southeast Asia, and eastern China, formerly as far north as Beijing. The Formosan, or rock macaque (M. cyclopis), is closely related to the rhesus monkey and lives only in Taiwan. Japanese macaques (M. fuscata) are larger, more muscular, and shaggy-haired, with pink faces and very short furry tails. These monkeys are important figures in myths and folktales and are seen in representations of the Buddhist adageSee no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”

      Liontail macaques, or wanderoos (M. silenus), are black with gray ruffs and tufted tails; an endangered species, they are found only in a small area of southern India. Closely related to liontails are the pigtail macaques (M. nemestrina), which carry their short tails curved over their backs. Inhabiting rainforests (rainforest) of Southeast Asia, they are sometimes trained to pick ripe coconuts. Another close relative is the bokkoi (M. pagensis), found only on the Mentawai Islands of Indonesia.

      Stump-tailed macaques (M. arctoides) are strong, shaggy-haired forest dwellers with pink or red faces and very short tails. Another short-tailed species is the Père David's macaque (M. thibetana), which lives in mountain forests of southern China; it is sometimes called the Tibetan macaque but is not in fact found there. Often confused with the stump-tail, Père David's macaque is in fact more closely related to the longer-tailed Assam macaque (M. assamensis) from the eastern Himalayan foothills and northern Myanmar. The bonnet monkey (M. radiata) and the toque macaque (M. sinica), from southern India and Sri Lanka, respectively, have hair on the top of the head that grows from a central whorl, in contrast to the short hair of the forehead and temples.

      The genus Macaca is a primate classified in the family Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys), along with baboons, mangabeys (mangabey), guenons (guenon), langurs (langur), and colobus monkeys.

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