Bustānī, Buṭrus al-

Bustānī, Buṭrus al-

▪ Lebanese scholar
born , 1819, ad-Dubbīyah
died May 1, 1883, Beirut

      scholar whose works, notably an Arabic dictionary and the first six volumes of an Arabic encyclopaedia, played a significant role in revitalizing the Arabic culture of his time.

      Bustānī's most significant activities were literary. He felt that Arabs should study Western science and civilization, and the volumes of his encyclopaedia were an impressive contribution toward that end. He believed, however, that such acculturation could be accomplished only if the Arabic language were molded into a supple and effective means for expressing the concepts of modern thought, and he developed his dictionary to achieve that goal.

      In 1870 Bustānī began publication of al-Jinān (“The Shield”), a political and literary review that expressed his views on the need for a cultural revitalization. A Christian, he also worked to spread a spirit of toleration and trust among the different religious groups in Syria. He saw as his homeland a Syria that did not yet exist as an administrative entity; it expressed a concept of cultural unity that transcended the district of Lebanon in which he lived.

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Universalium. 2010.

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