Bustamante y Sirvén, Antonio Sánchez de

Bustamante y Sirvén, Antonio Sánchez de

Cuban politician
born April 13, 1865, Havana
died Aug. 24, 1951, Havana
 lawyer, educator, Cuban politician, and international jurist who drew up the Bustamante Code dealing with international private law. Adopted by the sixth Pan-American Congress (Havana, 1928), which also elected him president, his code was ratified without reservations by six Latin American nations and in part by nine others.

      In 1884, when he was 19 years old, Bustamante won a public competitive examination for the professorship of international law at the University of Havana. From 1902 (when the Republic of Cuba was constituted) until 1918 he was a Cuban senator. He represented Cuba at the second international conference at The Hague (1907) and at the World War I peace conference in Paris (1919). In 1908 he was made a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, and in 1921 he became a judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice, newly established by the League of Nations.

      Bustamante wrote numerous books, including Tratado de derecho internacional privado (1896; “Treatise on International Private Law”); El Tribunal Permanente de Justicia Internacional (1925; The World Court, 1925); and Derecho internacional público, 5 vol. (193338; “International Public Law”).

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