Bourdaloue, Louis

Bourdaloue, Louis

French priest
born Aug. 20, 1632, Bourges, France
died May 13, 1704, Paris

      French Jesuit, held by many to have been the greatest of the 17th-century court preachers.

      Bourdaloue became a Jesuit in 1648 and very soon manifested his gift for oratory. After preaching in the provinces, he was sent in 1669 to Paris, where he preached in the Church of Saint Louis. He soon earned the title ofking of preachers and preacher of kings.” He was inevitably contrasted with his contemporary Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne). Bourdaloue always wrote out his sermons, which were careful logical expositions with insight into human nature. He never flattered his congregations but used his voicepraised by his contemporaries for its beautyand personality to keep them spellbound. Bossuet, whose sermons depended to some extent on the stimulus of the occasion, has been called a lyrical preacher in contrast with Bourdaloue's more carefully prepared dialectical expositions.

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  • Bourdaloue, Louis — (1632 1704)    preacher    Born in Bourges, Louis Bourdaloue, after becoming a Jesuit, began his career as a preacher in 1666. He came to Paris in 1669 and gained notoriety at the royal court, where he often preached during Lent and Advent (from… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

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  • Louis Bourdaloue — (August 20, 1632 May 13, 1704), French Jesuit and preacher, was born in Bourges.At the age of sixteen he entered the Society of Jesus, and was appointed successively professor of rhetoric, philosophy and moral theology, in various Jesuit colleges …   Wikipedia

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