Bohemond — Bohémond Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Bohémond de Tarente ou Bohémond Ier d Antioche Bohémond II d Antioche Bohémond III d Antioche Bohémond IV d Antioche Bohémond V d Antioche… … Wikipédia en Français
Bohemond I — orig. Marc born 1050–58 died March 5 or 7, 1109, probably Bari Prince of Otranto (1089–1109) and of Antioch (1098–1101, 1103–4). The son of a duke who held sway in southeastern Italy, he was nicknamed after a legendary giant. He joined his father … Universalium
Bohémond — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Bohémond de Tarente ou Bohémond Ier d Antioche ou de Hauteville (vers 1054 1111), fils aîné de Robert Guiscard Bohémond II d Antioche (vers 1108 1130),… … Wikipédia en Français
Bohemond IV — ▪ prince of Antioch byname Bohemond the One Eyed , French Bohemond le Borgne born c. 1175 died 1233 count of Tripoli (1187–1233) and prince of Antioch (1201–16, 1219–33). The younger son of Bohemond III and Orguilleuse, he became… … Universalium
Bohemond V — ▪ prince of Antioch born c. 1198 died January 1252 prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli from 1233 to 1252. The son of Bohemond IV by his wife Plaisance, he succeeded his father in 1233 and carried on the struggle with Armenia until… … Universalium
Bohemond I — Bohemund von Tarent (auch: Boëmund, Bohemond, Bohemund I., Bohemund von Antiocha etc.) (* 1051/52; † 7. März 1111) aus dem normannischen Adelsgeschlecht Hauteville war von 1085 bis 1111 Fürst von Tarent, ab 1096 einer der Führer des Ersten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bohemond VI — ▪ prince of Antioch born 1237 died 1275 prince of Antioch (1252–68) and count of Tripoli (1252–75). The son of Bohemond V by Luciana, he succeeded his father in 1252. In 1250 his sister Plaisance had married Henry I of Cyprus, the son … Universalium
Bohemond I of Antioch — Bohemond I (also spelled Bohemund or Boamund; c. 1058 ndash;3 March 1111), Prince of Taranto and Prince of Antioch, [Bohemond does not appear as Prince of Taranto in his own lifetime. That title was first used by Roger II of Sicily in 1132. It… … Wikipedia
Bohemond VI of Antioch — (ca 1237 ndash; 1275), called the Fair ( le Beau ) was the Prince of Antioch and Count of Tripoli from 1251 until his death. He ruled while Antioch was caught between the warring empires of the Mongols and the Egyptian Mamluks. In 1268 Antioch… … Wikipedia
Bohemond III of Antioch — (1144 ndash; 1201), also known as the Stammerer or the Stutterer , was Prince of Antioch from 1163 to his death. He was a son of Constance of Antioch by her first husband Raymond of Poitiers. His name is sometimes spelled Bohemund.Early… … Wikipedia