Blondel, Maurice

Blondel, Maurice

French philosopher
born Nov. 2, 1861, Dijon, Fr.
died June 4, 1949, Aix-en-Provence

      French dialectical philosopher who formulated aphilosophy of actionthat integrated classical Neoplatonic thought with modern Pragmatism in the context of a Christian philosophy of religion.

      He studied at the École Normale Supérieure under Léon Ollé-Laprune and first formulated his philosophy in L'action (1893). Blondel was influenced by the theory that belief is a matter of will as well as logical demonstration. For him, the term action was comprehensive and meant the dynamism of life in all its manifestations; it includes all the conditions that contribute to the gestation, birth, and expansion of the free act. He argued that proving that God exists is not the question; it is determining what attitude a man should take regarding the possibility of his receiving eternal life with God.

      Among Blondel's principal writings are La Pensée, 2 vol. (1934; “Thought”), and Exigences philosophiques du Christianisme (1950; “Philosophical Demands of Christianity”).

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