Bethlen, Gábor

Bethlen, Gábor

king of Hungary
in full Gábor Iktári Bethlen, German Gabriel Bethlen Von Iktár
born 1580
died Nov. 15, 1629, Gyulafehérvár, Transylvania [now Alba Iulia, Rom.]
 Calvinist prince of Transylvania and briefly titular king of Hungary (August 1620 to December 1621), in opposition to the Catholic emperor Ferdinand II.

      Born into a leading Protestant family of northern Hungary, Bethlen as a young man was sent to the court of Prince Sigismund Báthory of Transylvania. Later he helped István Bocskay gain the throne of Transylvania and supported his successor, Gábor Báthory. Differences between Bethlen and Báthory, however, forced Bethlen to take refuge with the Turks. The Ottoman sultan Ahmed I, suzerain of Transylvania, provided Bethlen with an army and proclaimed him prince of Transylvania. When Báthory was driven from power, Bethlen was proclaimed prince by a Diet at Kolozsvár in 1613. Bethlen did much to promote the arts and sciences in Transylvania and founded the Academy of Weissemburg (Karlsburg).

      During the Thirty Years' War (161848), while the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II was occupied with the Bohemian revolt of 1618, Bethlen took over most of northern Hungary, captured Pozsony (now Bratislava, Slovakia), and seized the crown of St. Stephen. After the collapse of negotiations between Bethlen and Ferdinand, the Diet at Besztercebánya elected Bethlen king of Hungary (Aug. 20, 1620). Realizing that Hungary's Roman Catholic nobles would never accept a Protestant king, however, he refused to be crowned. At this point war between Bethlen and Ferdinand broke out. After the Bohemians, who were supporters of Frederick (Frederick V) (the Protestant contender to the Bohemian throne), were defeated at White Mountain in 1620, Bethlen concluded peace with Ferdinand, and the following year he agreed to renounce the Hungarian throne and return the crown of St. Stephen. Ferdinand II agreed to reaffirm the 1606 Treaty of Vienna and guarantee liberty of worship to Hungary's Protestants; he also promised to summon the national Diet within six months. Bethlen became a prince of the Holy Roman Empire and secured for himself seven counties in northeastern Hungary.

      Bethlen did not, however, give up his aim of expelling Ferdinand from Hungary and restoring his Protestant friend Frederick to the Bohemian throne. He renewed war against Ferdinand in 1623 and, while successful in Bohemia, was unable to continue the war after the defeat of the Protestant forces in Germany. The 1624 Treaty of Vienna that followed essentially reaffirmed the provisions of the 1621 treaty with Ferdinand.

      Plans for an eastern alliance aimed at completely expelling the Turks from Hungary and Europe then engaged Bethlen. Hoping to gain aid from Ferdinand, he sought to marry one of Ferdinand's daughters but was rejected. He then joined the German princes and again occupied Habsburg Hungary in 1626, but victories by Catholic and imperial armies forced him to come to terms once more with Ferdinand in the Treaty of Pozsony in 1626. Although Bethlen subsequently became involved in negotiations with the Poles and with King Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden, his declining health precluded further military action.

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Universalium. 2010.

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