Bartlett, Sir Frederic C

Bartlett, Sir Frederic C

▪ British psychologist
born Oct. 20, 1886, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire, Eng.
died Sept. 30, 1969, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

      British psychologist best known for his studies of memory.

      Through his long association with Cambridge University, Bartlett strongly influenced British psychological method, emphasizing a descriptive, or case study, approach over more statistical techniques. In 1922 he became director of the Cambridge Psychological Laboratory and in 1931 was appointed the university's first professor of experimental psychology, retaining that position until his retirement in 1952. Bartlett was elected to the Royal Society in 1932 and was knighted in 1948.

      In his major work, Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology (1932), Bartlett advanced the concept that memories of past events and experiences are actually mental reconstructions that are coloured by cultural attitudes and personal habits, rather than being direct recollections of observations made at the time. In experiments beginning in 1914, Bartlett showed that very little of an event is actually perceived at the time of its occurrence but that, in reconstructing the memory, gaps in observation or perception are filled in with the aid of previous experiences. A later work, Thinking: An Experimental and Social Study (1958), broke no new theoretical ground but added observations on the social character of human thinking.

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  • Bartlett, Sir Frederic C(harles) — born Oct. 20, 1886, Stow on the Wold, Gloucestershire, Eng. died Sept. 30, 1969, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire British psychologist best known for his studies of memory. The first professor of experimental psychology at the University of Cambridge… …   Universalium

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