Balliol, John de

Balliol, John de

Scottish magnate
Balliol also spelled  Baliol  
died 1268/69

      Scottish magnate of Norman descent, one of the richest landowners of his time in Britain, who is regarded as the founder of Balliol College, Oxford; he was the father of John de Balliol, king of Scots (John). The elder John served (125155) as guardian of the young Scottish king Alexander III. His loyalty to King Henry III of England in the Barons' War (126467, against rebellious nobles led by Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester) cost him the temporary loss of his lands and a period of imprisonment after his capture in the Battle of Lewes (May 14, 1264). About that time (perhaps in 1263) he began to support several students at Oxford, apparently as penance for a quarrel with the Bishop of Durham. After his death, his widow completed his endowment of scholars, and their house was formally chartered as Balliol College in 1282.

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