Appia, Adolphe

Appia, Adolphe

Swiss stage designer
born Sept. 1, 1862, Geneva, Switz.
died Feb. 29, 1928, Nyon

      Swiss stage designer whose theories, especially on the interpretive use of lighting, helped bring a new realism and creativity to 20th-century theatrical production.

      Although his early training was in music, Appia studied theatre in Dresden and Vienna from the age of 26. In 1891 he propounded his revolutionary theories of theatrical production. Four years later he published La Mise en scène du drame Wagnérien (1895; “The Staging of the Wagnerian Drama”), a collection of stage and lighting plans for 18 of Wagner's operas that clarified the function of stage lighting and enumerated in detail practical suggestions for the application of his theories. In Die Musik und die Inszenierung (1899; “Music and Staging”), Appia established a hierarchy of ideas for achieving his aims: (1) a three-dimensional setting rather than a flat, dead, painted backdrop as a proper background to display the movement of the living actors; (2) lighting that unifies actors and setting into an artistic whole, evoking an emotional response from the audience; (3) the interpretive value of mobile and colourful lighting, as a visual counterpart of the music; and (4) lighting that spotlights the actors and highlights areas of action. He expanded his theories in a second book, L'Oeuvre d'art vivant (1921; “The Living Work of Art”).

      Appia designed sets in Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland. He collaborated with Émile Jaques-Dalcroze on numerous experimental theatre and dance productions. He also designed sets for La Scala opera house in Milan and for the opera house at Basel. His reputation rests on his theoretical writings rather than his relatively small output of executed designs.

Additional Reading
Walther R. Volbach, Adolphe Appia, Prophet of the Modern Theatre (1968); Richard C. Beacham, Adolphe Appia, Theatre Artist (1987).

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