Alexis, Willibald

Alexis, Willibald

German writer
pseudonym of  Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Häring  
born June 29, 1798, Breslau, Silesia, Prussia [now Wrocław, Pol.]
died Dec. 16, 1871, Arnstadt, Ger.
 German writer and critic best known for his historical novels about Brandenburg and Prussia.

      Alexis grew up in Berlin. After service as a volunteer in the campaign of 1815, he studied law at Berlin and Breslau but abandoned his legal career for writing after the success of his literary hoax Walladmor (1824), a parody of Scott published asfreely translated from the English of Walter Scott.” The joke, detrimental to Alexis' literary reputation, was repeated in the more ambitious and original novel Schloss Avalon (1827). Although his home was in Berlin, where he edited the Berliner Konversationsblatt (182735) and contributed essays and reviews to literary journals, he traveled widely in Europe and recounted his experiences in travel books, among them Herbstreise durch Skandinavien (1828; “Autumn Journey Through Scandinavia”).

      With Cabanis (1832), a story of the age of Frederick the Great, Alexis embarked on a cycle of novels intended to bring to light forgotten but significant periods of Prussian history. He continually experimented with methods of presentation. Der Roland von Berlin (1840) portrays the struggle for power in the 15th century between the municipal authorities of Berlin-Kölln and the ruler of Brandenburg; Der falsche Woldemar (1842; “The False Woldemar”) recounts the rise and fall of a 14th-century pretender. In the first part of Die Hosen des Herrn von Bredow (184648; “The Trousers of the Lord of Bredow”), Alexis reveals qualities as a humorist, though the concluding section, describing the elector Joachim's ineffectual opposition to Luther's teaching, strikes a more serious note. In Ruhe ist die erste Bürgerpflicht (1852; “Rest Is the First Civic Duty”), the activities of criminals are presented as symptomatic of Prussian degeneracy in 1806. The sequel, Isegrimm (1854), foreshadows a rebirth of patriotism.

      Alexis was the first writer to reveal the poetic aspects of the Brandenburg landscape. His writing is uneven; effective realistic description alternates with a romantic mysticism. From 1842 until 1860 he edited, almost singlehandedly, a remarkable collection of famous lawsuits, Der neue Pitaval (“The New Pitaval”). He suffered a stroke in 1856 and later retired permanently to Arnstadt.

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