Akhṭal, al-

Akhṭal, al-

Umayyad poet
in full  Ghiyāth ibn Ghawth ibn al-Ṣalt al-Akhṭal  
born c. 640, Al-Ḥīrah, Mesopotamia, or the Syrian Desert
died 710

      poet of the Umayyad period (661750), esteemed for his perfection of Arabic poetic form in the old Bedouin tradition.

      Al-Akhṭal (“The Loquacious”) was a Christian but did not take the duties of his religion seriously, being addicted to drink and women. He was a favourite panegyrist and friend of the Umayyad caliph Yazīd I and his generals Ziyād ibn Abīhī and al-Ḥajjāj. He continued as court poet to the caliph ʿAbd al-Malik but fell into disfavour under Walīd I. Al-Akhṭal's poetry is highly political; he is known for panegyrics that defended Umayyad policies and for invective that skewered those who opposed them.

      Together with the poets Jarīr and al-Farazdaq (Farazdaq, al-), al-Akhṭal forms a famous trio in early Arabic literary history. Because they closely resembled one another in style and vocabulary, their relative superiority was disputed. The philologist Abū ʿUbaydah, however, placed al-Akhṭal highest of the three because among his poems there were 10 qasida (formal odes) regarded as flawless and 10 others as nearly flawless, and this could not be said of the other poets.

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