

French monk and historian
born c. 965
died after 1008

      French Benedictine monk whose history of the Franks was highly esteemed in the Middle Ages and the early modern period.

      After his arrival at the Abbey of Fleury-sur-Loire (between c. 980 and 985), near Orléans, Aimoin wrote about St. Benedict, completing the second and third books of the Miracula Sancti Benedicti in 1005 (the first book had been the work of an earlier writer). He also wrote the biography of the abbot Abbo (d. 1004), who suggested that Aimoin compose a history of the Franks. His Historia Francorum, or Libri IV de gestis Francorum, was compiled from texts from the Merovingian period that were rewritten by Aimoin in better Latin. Later, 12th-century historians expanded and refined his history of the Franks. His biographies of Abbon and St. Benedict offer more direct testimony on his time, for instance his description of Abbo's two trips to Rome, made because of political disagreements between the French king and the church. It is one of the many important historical events of the 10th century recounted in his works.

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