Aimard, Gustave

Aimard, Gustave

French writer
pseudonym of  Olivier Gloux  
born Sept. 13, 1818, Paris, France
died June 20, 1883, Paris

      French popular novelist who wrote adventure stories about life on the American frontier and in Mexico. He was the main 19th-century French practitioner of the western novel.

      At the age of 12 Aimard went to sea as a ship's boy and subsequently witnessed local wars and conspiracies in Turkey, the Caucasus, and South America. After taking part in the Revolution of 1848 in Paris, he traveled to North America in 1854 as part of an unsuccessful armed expedition to Sonora, Mexico. In 1870 he fought in the siege of Paris during the Franco-German war.

      Many of his adventure romances appeared serially in newspapers. Among the most popular of his 43 books, some of which were translated into English, were Les Trappeurs de l'Arkansas (1858; “The Trappers of Arkansas”), Les Bohèmes de la mer (1865; “The Gypsies of the Sea”), and Par mer et par terre (1879; “By Sea and by Land”).

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  • AIMARD, GUSTAVE —    a French novelist, born in Paris; died insane (1818 1883) …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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  • AIMARD (G.) — AIMARD GUSTAVE (1818 1883) Romancier populaire français. De son véritable nom Olivier Gloux, Gustave Aimard est l’auteur de nombreux romans d’aventures. Les Trappeurs de l’Arkansas (1858) constitue le premier d’une longue série de livres dont… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Aimard — (spr. ēmār), Gustave, franz. Romanschriftsteller, geb. 13. Sept. 1818 in Paris, gestorben daselbst geisteskrank 20. Juni 1883, kam im Knabenalter als Schiffsjunge nach Amerika, wo er eine Reihe von Jahren unter den wilden Völkerschaften des… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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