

Indian philosopher

flourished 1014, Kashmir, India

      philosopher, ascetic and aesthetician, and outstanding representative of therecognition” (pratyabhijñā (Kashmir Śaivism)) school of Kashmiri Śaivite monism. This school conceived of the god Śiva (the manifestation of ultimate reality), the individual soul, and the universe as essentially one; pratyabhijñā refers to the way of realizing this identity. Abhinavagupta was a prolific writer on philosophy and aesthetics. Among his most notable philosophic works are the Īśvara-pratyabhijñā-vimarśinī and the more detailed Īśvara-pratyabhijñā-vivṛti-vimarśinī, both commentaries on Īśvara-pratyabhijñā (“Recognition of God”), by Utpala, an earlier philosopher of the pratyabhijñā school.

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