World Legislative Election Results

World Legislative Election Results
▪ 1999

       World Legislative Election Results The following table (World Legislative Election Results ) is a guide to the principal political parties and coalitions of the world. All countries that were independent on Dec. 31, 1998, are included, except the Vatican City State. In most instances parties are included only if represented in elected parliaments (in the lower house in bicameral legislatures). (Party names may be condensed or omitted for reasons of space or to more clearly indicate party groupings.) The first column under "Parliamentary representation" indicates the number of seats obtained in the most recent general election and excludes nonelective seats and seats still undecided. If only a portion of the seats were at stake, the figure given indicates the total number of seats held by each party after the election. The column in parentheses represents the number of seats won in the penultimate election. Single-party penultimate election results may be combined if a coalition was formed at the most recent election. The date of the most recent election follows the name of the country.

      The capital letters in the column "Affiliation" show the relative positions of the parties within the political spectrum of each country. The key chosen is as follows: ER-extreme right; R-right; CR-centre right; C-centre; CL-centre left; SD-social democratic; S-strictly defined socialist; L-broadly defined left (may or may not be Marxist); K-strictly defined communist; and EL-extreme left. In addition, within some countries there are political organizations that exist chiefly to advance a special interest as distinct from a political orientation. These are represented by lowercase letters as follows: x-parties that have repudiated former communist affiliation; e-parties based on distinct regional, ethnic, or linguistic identity; r-parties based on religion, often fundamentalist; g-environmental, or Green; and p-parties based largely on personalities.

      The number in the column "Voting strength" indicates proportions of the valid votes cast for the respective parties. (STEPHEN NEHER; MELINDA C. SHEPHERD)

▪ 1999


   Name of partyAffili-






   Islamic emirate from October 1997
Albania (June-July 1997)
   Democratic Party CR 25.7 29 (122)
   Social Democratic Party S 2.5 8 —
   Socialist Party of Albania x 52.8 101 (10)
   Greek minority party e 2.8 4 (3)
   Others — 16.2 13 (5)
Algeria (June 1997)
   Islamic Salvation Front ERr   1  
   Islamic Renaissance Movement (Nahda) r 9.9 34  
   Movement of the Islamic Society (Hamas) Cr 16.8 69  
   National Democratic Rally C 38.3 156  
   National Liberation Front S 16.1 62  
   Pro-Berber parties e 9.9 39  
   Other parties — 3.8 9  
   Independents — 5.2 11  
Andorra (February 1997)
   Liberal Union CR ... 18 (5)
   National Democratic Grouping CR ... 6 (8)
   New Democracy CL ... 2 (5)
   Others and independents — ... 2 (10)
Angola (September 1992)
   Popular Liberation Movement of Angola-Labour

     Party (MPLA-PT) x 53.7 129 (203)
   National Union for the Total Independence of

     Angola (UNITA) — 34.1 702 —
   Others — 12.2 21 —
Antigua and Barbuda (March 1994)
   Antigua Labour Party C 54.4 11 (15)
   United Progressive Party C 43.7 5 (1)
   Barbuda People's Movement e 1.4 1 (1)
Argentina (October 1997)
   Justicialist National Movement (Peronist) CR-CL 36.1 118 (136)
   Radical Civic Union

   Front for a Country in Solidarity

      (Frepaso coalition) } CL 45.7 (69)


   Others — 18.2 29 (26)
Armenia (July 1995)
   Republic Bloc (coalition) — 42.7 119  
   National Democratic  Union — 7.5 5  
   Shamiram Women's Movement — 16.9 8  
   Armenian Communist Party K 12.1 7  
   Others and independents — 20.8 51  
Australia (October 1998)
   National Party of Australia R 5.4 16 (18)
   Liberal Party of Australia C 34.0 64 (76)
   Australian Labor Party L 40.1 66 (49)
   Others and independents — 20.5 2 (5)
Austria (December 1995)
   Freedom Movement R 21.9 40 (42)
   Liberal Forum — 5.5 10 (11)
   Austrian People's Party C 28.3 53 (52)
   Austrian Social Democratic Party SD 38.1 71 (65)
   The Green Alternative Lg 4.8 9 (13)
Azerbaijan (November 1995-February 1996)
   New Azerbaijan Party and allies p ... 115  
   Others — ... 9  
Bahamas, The (March 1997)
   Free National Movement CR 57.0 34 (34)
   Progressive Liberal Party C 42.0 6 (15)
   Consultative Council (advisory body) — — —  
Bangladesh (June-September 1996)
   Bangladesh Nationalist Party CR ... 113 (212)
   National Party CR ... 33 3
   Awami League SD ... 176 3
   Bangladesh Islamic Assembly r ... 3 3
   Others — ... 5 (2)
Barbados (September 1994)
   Democratic Labour Party C 38.8 8 (18)
   National Democratic Party — 12.1 1 (0)
   Barbados Labour Party SD 48.8 19 (10)
   House of Representatives — — 110  
Belgium (May 1995)
   National Front (French) ERe 2.3 2 (1)
   Vlaams Blok (Flemish) ERe 7.8 11 (12)
   Volksunie (Flemish) Re 4.7 5 (10)
   Liberals                    { Flemish

French CR

CR 13.1

10.3 21

18 (26)

   Social Christians      { Flemish

French C

C 17.2

7.7 29

12 (39)

   Socialist                   { Flemish

French SD

SD 12.6

11.9 20

21 (28)

   Greens                      { Flemish

French g

g 4.4

4.0 5

6 (7)

   Others — 4.0 0 (6)
Belize (August 1998)
   United Democratic Party R 39.2 3 (16)
   People's United Party C 59.3 26 (13)
Benin (March-May 1995)
   Government party and allies — ... 32  
   Opposition parties — ... 50  
   National Assembly, nonparty — — 105  
Bolivia (June 1997)
   Civic Solidarity Union R 15.9 21 (20)
   Nationalist Revolutionary Movement CR 17.7 26 (52)
   Nationalist Democratic Action

   Movement of the Revolutionary Left p

SD 22.3

16.7 33

25 } (35)
   Conscience of the Fatherland CL 15.8 17 (13)
   Free Bolivia Movement L 2.5 4 (7)
   United Left (coalition) L-K 3.7 4 (0)
   Others — 5.4 0 (3)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 1998)
   Serb nationalists (xenophobic)

   Less-extreme Serb nationalists er

er 21

15 7

4 } (9)
   Croat nationalists er 16 7 (8)
   Bosnian Muslim nationalists er 32 18 (19)
   Multiethnic parties SD-L 13 6 (6)
Botswana (October 1994)
   Botswana Democratic Party C 54.4 27 (31)
   Botswana National Front CL 37.1 13 (3)
Brazil (October 1998)
   Brazilian Progressive Party CR ... 60 (89)
   Liberal Front Party C ... 105 (90)
   Brazilian Democratic Movement C ... 82 (107)
   Brazilian Labour Party C ... 31 (31)
   Brazilian Social Democratic Party CL ... 99 (62)
   Democratic Labour Party SD ... 26 (34)
   Brazilian Socialist Party S ... 19 (14)
   Workers' Party S ... 58 (49)
   Others — ... 33 (37)
   Legislative Council (nonelected) — — —  
Bulgaria (April 1997)
   Bulgarian Business Bloc R 4.9 12 (13)
   United Democratic Forces (coalition) CR 52.3 137 (87)
   Euro-Left (coalition) SD 5.5 14 —
   Democratic Left (coalition) L 22.1 58 (125)
   Movement for Rights and Freedoms (Turkish) e 7.6 19 (15)
Burkina Faso (May-June 1997)
   Government party and allies ... 76.0 103 (84)
   Opposition parties ... 16.6 8 (23)
Burundi (June 1993)
   Burundi Democratic Front — 72.6 65  
   Unity for National Progress — 21.9 16  
Cambodia (July 1998)
   Funcinpec CR 31.7 43 (58)
   Sam Rangsi Party p 14.3 15 —
   Buddhist Liberal Democrats — ... 0 (10)
   Cambodian People's Party L 41.4 64 (51)
   Others — 12.6 0 (1)
Cameroon (May-August 1997)
   Government party R ... 116 (88)
     Allied party e ... 1 (6)
   Cameroon People's Union — ... 1 (18)
   National Union for Democracy and Progress

     (Islamist) Cr ... 13 (68)
   Social Democratic Front SD ... 43 2
   Others — ... 6 (0)
Canada (June 1997)
   Reform Party of Canada R 19.4 60 (52)
   Progressive Conservative Party CR 18.9 20 (2)
   Liberal Party of Canada C 38.4 155 (177)
   New Democratic Party SD 11.0 21 (9)
   Bloc Québécois e 10.7 44 (54)
   Others and independents — 1.6 1 (1)
Cape Verde (December 1995)
   Movement for Democracy — 61.3 50 (56)
   African Party for the Independence of

     Cape Verde — 29.8 21 (23)
   Democratic Convergence Party — 6.7 1 —
Central African Republic (November-December 1998)
   Central African People's Liberation Movement — ... 49 (34)
   Allies/independents — ... 6 (40)
   Others — ... 54 (11)
Chad (January-February 1997)
   Patriotic Salvation Movement p ... 63  
     Allied party — ... 15  
   Union for Renewal and Democracy p ... 29  
   Others — ... 16  
Chile (December 1997)
   Union for Chile ER-R 36.2 47 (50)
   Coalition of Parties for Democracy C-L 50.6 70 (70)
   Leftist alliance L-EL 7.5 0 (0)
   Others — 5.7 3 (0)
China (October 1997-March 1998)
   Communist Party of China

   Nonparty K

— ...

... 2,130

849 } 2,978
Colombia (March 1998)
   Social Conservative Party (traditional agrarian

     interests) R 27 52 (56)
   Liberal Party (traditional commercial/industrial

     interests) C 54 98 (94)
   Others and independents — 19 11 (15)
   Transitional government from September 1997 — — —  
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
   Military government from May 1997 — — —  
Congo, Republic of the
   Military-backed transitional government from

     November 1997 — — —  
Costa Rica (February 1998)
   Social Christian Unity Party CR 44.9 27 (25)
   Libertarian Movement Party C 1.7 2 —
   National Liberation Party CL 42.6 23 (28)
   Democratic Force L 5.1 2 (2)
   Others — 5.7 3 (2)
Côte d'Ivoire (November 1995-December 1996)
   Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire — ... 149 (147)
   Rally of Republicans C ... 13 (14)
   Ivorian Popular Front SD ... 13 (10)
Croatia (October 1995)
   Croatian Party of Rights ERe 5.0 4 (5)
   Croatian Democratic Union Re 45.2 75 (85)
   Moderate opposition coalition R-C 18.3 20 (6)
   Croatian Social-Liberal Party CL 11.6 11 (14)
   Social Democratic Party x 8.9 9 (11)
   Others and independents — 11.0 8 (17)
Cuba (January 1998)
   Government (single) party K ... 601 (589)
   Greek Zone (May 1996)
     Democratic Rally/Liberals R 34.5 20 (20)
     Democratic Party CR 16.4 10 (11)
     EDEK-SK (Socialists) CL 8.1 5 (7)
     Free Democrats Movement CL 3.7 2 —
     Progressive Party of the Working People L 33.0 19 (18)
   Turkish Zone (December 1998)
     National Unity Party CR 40.3 24 (17)
     Democratic Party — 22.6 13 (15)
     Republican Turkish Party S 13.3 6 (13)
     Others — 13.8 7 (5)
Czech Republic (June 1998)
   Republicans ER 3.9 0 (18)
   Civic Democratic Party R 27.7 63 (68)
   Freedom Union CR 8.6 19 —
   Christian Democrats CR 9.0 20 (18)
   Czech Social Democratic Party SD 32.3 74 (61)
   Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia K 11.0 24 (22)
   Others — 7.5 0 (13)
Denmark (March 1998)
   Danish People's Party

   Progress Party ER

ER 7.4

2.4 13

4 } (11)
   Liberal Party R 24.0 42 (42)
   Conservative People's Party R 8.9 16 (27)
   Christian People's Party CR 2.4 4 (0)
   Centre Democrats C 4.3 8 (5)
   Radical Liberal Party C 3.9 7 (8)
   Social Democrats CL 35.9 63 (62)
   Socialist People's Party L 7.6 13 (13)
   Red-Green Unity List Lg 2.7 5 (6)
   Faroe Islands (seats allotted) — — 2 (2)
   Greenland (seats allotted) — — 2 (2)
   Independents — — 0 (1)
Djibouti (December 1997)
   Popular Rally for Progress and allies — 78.6 65 (65)
Dominica (June 1995)
   Dominica Freedom Party CR 35.8 5 (11)
   Dominica United Workers' Party CL 34.4 11 (6)
   Labour Party L 29.6 5 (4)
   Independents/others — 0.2 0 (1)
Dominican Republic (May 1998)
   Social Christian Reformist Party R ... 16 (50)
   Dominican Liberation Party C ... 50 (13)
   Dominican Revolutionary Party CL ... 83 (57)
Ecuador (May 1998; % of national vote)
   Ecuadorian Conservative Party R 5.5 2 (2)
   Social Christian Party CR 25.1 26 (27)
   Popular Democracy C 20.0 35 (12)
   Ecuadorian Roldosist Party C 18.8 25 (19)
   Democratic Left SD 16.3 17 (4)
   Alfarist Radical Front L — 3 (3)
   Democratic Popular Movement EL 4.5 2 (2)
   New Country Movement g 9.8 6 (8)
   Others — — 9 (5)
Egypt (November-December 1995)
   Muslim Brotherhood r — 1 1
   New Wafd Party R ... 6 3
   National Democratic Party CR ... 317 (348)
   National Progressive Unionist L ... 5 (6)
   Other parties — ... 3 —
   Independents — ... 113 (83)
El Salvador (March 1997)
   National Conciliation Party R 8.6 11 (4)
   Nationalist Republican Alliance (Arena) R 34.9 28 (39)
   Liberal Democratic Party p 3.1 2 —
   Christian Democratic Party and ally C 11.7 10 (18)
   Other centrist parties CR-CL 9.2 6 (2)
   Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front L 32.5 27 (21)
Equatorial Guinea (November 1993)
   Democratic Party — ... 68 (41)
   Principal opposition parties — — 3 —
   Others — ... 12 —
   Transitional government from May 1993 — — —  
Estonia (March 1995)
   Republican and Conservative People's Party R 5.0 5 —
   Pro-Patria ("Fatherland") Coalition CR 7.9 8 (29)
   Estonian Reform Party CR 16.2 19 —
   Estonian Centre Party CL 14.2 16 —
   Coalition and Rural People's Union CL/x 32.2 41 (17)
   Moderates SD 6.0 6 (12)
   Our Home Is Estonia (pro-Russian alliance) e 5.9 6 —
   Others — 12.6 0 (43)
Ethiopia (May-June 1995)
   Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic

     Front — ... 493  
   Major opposition parties — — 3  
   Others and independents — ... 54  
Fiji (February 1994)
   Ethnic Fijian seats e ... 37 (37)
   Ethnic Indian seats e ... 27 (27)
   Chinese/European seats e ... 4 (4)
   Multiracial seat e ... 1 (1)
   Rotuma Island e ... 1 (1)
Finland (March 1995)
   Finnish Christian Union R 3.0 7 (8)
   National Coalition CR 17.9 39 (40)
   Swedish People's Party e 5.1 12 (12)
   Finnish Centre C 19.9 44 (55)
   Social Democratic Party S 28.3 63 (48)
   Left-Wing Alliance L-K 11.2 22 (19)
   Green Union g 6.5 9 (10)
   Others — 8.1 4 (8)
France (May-June 1997; 1st round %s)
   National Front ER 14.9 1 (0)
   Rally for the Republic R 15.7 139 (247)
   Other right-wing parties R 6.6 8 (24)
   Union for French Democracy CR 14.2 109 (213)
   Socialist Party S 23.5 246 (54)
   Other left-wing parties L 4.2 29 (16)
   French Communist Party K 9.9 37 (23)
   The Greens g 6.8 8 (0)
Gabon (December 1996-January 1997)
   Gabonese Democratic Party p ... 82 (66)
   National Rally of Woodcutters C ... 12 (17)
   Gabonese Progress Party — ... 8 (19)
   Others and independents — ... 18 (18)
Gambia, The (January 1997)
   Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and

     Construction p 52.1 33  
   Opposition parties — 44.1 10  
   Independents — 3.8 2  
Georgia (November-December 1995)
   All-Georgian Union of Revival

     (Adzharian Muslim) er 6.8 32 —
   National Democratic Party CR 8.0 34 (12)
   Citizens' Union of Georgia C 23.7 106 —
   Others and independents — 61.5 63 (228)
Germany (September 1998)
   Christian Social Union R 6.7 47 (50)
   Christian Democratic Union CR 28.4 198 (244)
   Free Democratic Party CR-C 6.2 44 (47)
   Social Democratic Party SD 40.9 298 (252)
   Party of Democratic Socialism x 5.1 35 (30)
   Alliance '90/The Greens g 6.7 47 (49)
Ghana (December 1996)
   National Democratic Congress p ... 134 (189)
   New Patriotic Party CR ... 60 (0)
   Others — ... 6 (11)
Greece (September 1996)
   Political Spring CR 2.9 0 (10)
   New Democracy CR 38.1 108 (111)
   Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok)

   Democratic Social Movement S

L 41.5

4.4 162

9 } (170)
   Progressive Left Coalition L-K 5.1 10 (0)
   Communist Party K-EL 5.6 11 (9)
Grenada (June 1995)
   Grenada United Labour Party R 26.8 2 (4)
   National Democratic Congress C 31.1 5 (7)
   New National Party C 32.7 8 (2)
   Others — 9.4 0 (2)
Guatemala (November 1995)
   National Advancement Party Rp 34.7 43 (24)
   Guatemalan Republican Front Rp 19.5 21 (32)
   Other rightist parties R 8.7 3 (3)
   National Alliance (coalition) C 13.0 7 (21)
   New Guatemala Democratic Front CL 8.5 6 —
Guinea (June 1995)
   Presidential party and allies — ... 76  
   Opposition parties — ... 38  
Guinea-Bissau (July 1994)
   African Party for the Independence of Guinea

     and Cape Verde L 46.0 62 (150)
   Guinea-Bissau Resistance — 19.2 19 —
   Other opposition parties — 34.8 19 —
Guyana (December 1997)
   People's National Congress (black interests) Le 40.6 26 (31)
   People's Progressive Party (East Indian interests) Le 55.3 36 (32)
   Others — 2.7 3 (2)
Haiti (June-September 1995)
   Lavalas movement C-L ... 68  
   Others and independents — ... 15  
Honduras (November 1997)
   National Party R 41.5 55 (55)
   Liberal Party CR 49.6 67 (71)
   Christian Democratic Party C 2.6 2 (0)
   National Innovation and Unity Party-Social

     Democratic SD 4.1 3 (2)
   Democratic Unification Party L-EL 2.1 1 —
Hungary (May 1998)
   Justice and Life Party ER 5.5 14 (0)
   Independent Smallholders' R 13.8 48 (26)
   Hungarian Democratic Forum CR 3.1 17 (37)
   Christian Democrats CR 2.6 0 (22)
   Young Democrats-Civic Party CR 28.2 148 (20)
   Free Democrats CL 7.9 24 (70)
   Hungarian Socialist Party x 32.3 134 (209)
   Others and independents — 6.6 1 (2)
Iceland (April 1995)
   Independence Party R 37.1 25 (26)
   Progressive Party C 23.3 15 (13)
   Women's Alliance CL 4.9 3 (5)
   People's Movement

   Social Democratic Party CL

SD 7.2

11.4 4

7 }(10)
   People's Alliance L 14.3 9 (9)
India (February-June 1998)
   Bharatiya Janata Party (Hindu)

     Allied parties Rr

Rr } 37.2 179

73 (161)

   Congress (I)

     Allied parties C

C } 29.7 141

24 (136)

   United Front (coalition) CL-K 21.9 97 (170)
   Others (includes vacant seats) — 11.2 29 (37)
Indonesia (May 1997)
   Governing coalition of groups — 74.3 325 (282)
   United Development Party (Muslim interests) r 22.6 89 (62)
   Party representing Christian and nationalist

     interests — 3.1 11 (56)
Iran (March 1996-February 1997)
   Association of Combatant Clergy "group" ERr ... 113 (1554)
   Servants of Construction "group"

   Others Rr

— ...

... 86

62 } (1154)
Iraq (March 1996)
   Ba'th Party

     Allied independents —

— ...

... 160

60 } (250)
Ireland (June 1997)
   Progressive Democrats R 4.7 4 (10)
   Fianna Fail (Republican) C 39.3 77 (68)
   Fine Gael (United Ireland) C 27.9 54 (45)
   Labour Party SD 10.4 17 (33)
   Democratic Left S 2.5 4 (4)
   Sinn Fein ("Ourselves Alone") EL 2.6 1 (0)
   Green Alliance g 2.8 2 (1)
   Others and independents — 9.8 7 (5)
Israel (May 1996)
   Moledet ER 2.3 2 (3)
   United Torah Judaism (orthodox) r 3.2 4 (4)
   Shas (orthodox) r 8.5 10 (6)
   National Religious Party r 7.8 9 (6)
   Likud and allies R 25.1 32 (40)
   Israel for Immigration (Russian) Ce 5.7 7 —
   The Third Way C 3.1 4 —
   Israel Labor Party SD 26.8 34 (44)
   Meretz CL 7.4 9 (12)
   United Arab List e 2.9 4 (2)
   Hadash L 4.2 5 (3)
Italy (April 1996)
   Northern League

   Right-wing alliance Re

R 10.1

44.0 59

246 } (366)
     National Alliance R 15.7 107 (109)
     Forza Italia R 20.6 110 (112)
     United Christian Democrats CR 5.8 29 —
   Centrist parties

   Left-wing pact/alliance C

L } 43.4 319 (46)

     Democratic Party of the Left SD 21.1 163 (114)
     Green Federation g 2.5 ... (11)
     Communist Refoundation Party K 8.6 35 (41)
   Others — 2.5 6 (5)
Jamaica (December 1997)
   Jamaica Labour Party CL 39.4 10 (8)
   People's National Party L 55.6 50 (52)
Japan (October 1996)
   Liberal-Democratic Party R 38.6 239 (223)
   Democratic Party — 10.1 52 —
   New Frontier Party (Shinshinto) R-SD 28.0 156 (160)
   Social Democratic Party SD 2.2 15 (70)
   Japan Communist Party L 12.5 26 (15)
   Others and independents — 8.6 12 (43)
Jordan (November 1997)
   Islamic Action Front r — 3 (16)
   Tribal/traditional candidates C ... 62 (49)
   Independent Islamists

   Leftists and Nationalists r

L ...

... 8

10 } (10)
Kazakstan (December 1995-February 1996)
   Pro-presidential parties — ... 53  
   Opposition — ... 14  
Kenya (December 1997)
   Kenya African National Union — ... 107 (100)
   Forum for Restoration of Democracy-Kenya — ... 17 (31)
   Democratic Party — ... 39 (23)
   National Development Party — ... 21 —
   Others — ... 26 (34)
Kiribati (September 1998)
   Government grouping p ... 14 (13)
   Others and independents — — 26 (26)
Korea, North (July 1998)
   Korean Workers' Party and allies K ... 687 (687)
Korea, South (April 1996)
   United Liberal Democrats R 16.2 50 —
   New Korea Party R 34.5 139 (149)
   National Congress for New Politics C 25.3 79 —
   Democratic Party CL 11.2 15 (97)
   Others and independents — 12.8 16 (53)
Kuwait (October 1996)
   Islamic moderates and fundamentalists r ... 14 (19)
   Government supporters

   Tribal candidates and independents —

— ...

... 19

11 } (15)
   Liberal opposition — ... 4 (6)
Kyrgyzstan (February-April 1995)
   Pro-government independents — ... 90  
   Others — ... 15  
Laos (December 1997)
   Government (single) party K ... 98 (85)
   Nonparty — ... 1 (0)
Latvia (October 1998)
   Popular Movement for Latvia ERp 1.7 0 (16)
   Fatherland and Freedom ERe 14.7 17 (14)
   People's Party (pro-business) CR 21.2 24 —
   Latvian Way Union C 18.1 21 (17)
   New Party C 7.3 8 —
   Master Democratic Party — 1.6 0 (18)
   Popular Harmony Party (pro-Russian) CL 14.1 16 (6)
   Latvian Social Democratic Union SD 12.8 14 (0)
   Others — 8.5 0 (29)
Lebanon (August-September 1996)
   Christian — — 64  
     Maronite — — 34  
     Greek Orthodox — — 14  
     Greek Catholic — — 8  
     Armenian Orthodox — — 5  
     Others — — 3  
   Muslim/Druze — — 64  
     Sunnite — — 27  
     Shi'ite — — 27  
     Druze — — 8  
     'Alawite — — 2  
Lesotho (May 1998)
   Basotho Congress Party — ... 0 (65)
   Basotho National Party — 24.5 1 (0)
   Lesotho Congress for Democracy — 60.7 78 —
Liberia (July 1997)
   National Patriotic Party p ... 49  
   Others — ... 15  
   General People's Congress — — 760  
Liechtenstein (January-February 1997)
   Progressive Citizens' Party CR 39.2 10 (11)
   Fatherland Union C 49.2 13 (13)
   Free List g 11.6 2 (1)
Lithuania (October 1996-March 1997)
   Christian Democrats CR 12.2 16 (13)
   Homeland Union CR 29.8 70 —
   Reform Movement (Sajudis) CR — — (29)
   Centre Union C 8.2 13 (2)
   Social Democratic Party SD 6.6 12 (8)
   Democratic Labour Party x 9.5 12 (74)
   Others and independents — 33.7 15 (15)
Luxembourg (June 1994)
   Christian Social People's Party CR 29.3 21 (22)
   Democratic Party C 11.6 12 (11)
   Socialist Workers' Party S 33.5 17 (18)
   Communist Party K 2.8 0 (1)
   Action Committee for Democracy and Justice — 7.1 5 (4)
   Green Alternative g 10.2 5 (4)
Macedonia (October-November 1998)
   Liberal-Democratic Party C 7.0 4 (30)
   Pro-Macedonian alliance Ce 38.8 59 (0)
   Social Democratic Union S 25.1 29 (58)
   Pro-Albanian parties e 19.3 25 (14)
   Others — 9.8 2 (18)
Madagascar (May 1998)
   Pro-Ratsiraka party

     Allied parties

   Independents and others p

— ...


... 63


31 } (63)
   Anti-Ratsiraka parties — ... 25 (75)
Malawi (May 1994)
   United Democratic Front — 46.4 84 —
   Malawi Congress Party — 33.6 55 (136)
   Alliance for Democracy — 18.9 36 —
Malaysia (April 1995)
   Islamic parties CR 17.4 13 (15)
   National Front coalition e 64.0 162 (127)
   Democratic Action Party SD 12.1 9 (20)
   Others and independents — 6.5 8 (18)
Maldives (December 1994)
   People's Council, nonparty — ... 40  
Mali (July-August 1997)
   Alliance for Democracy in Mali p ... 128 (74)
   Principal opposition parties — — 3 —
   Others — ... 19 (42)
Malta (September 1998)
   Nationalist Party R 51.8 35 (34)
   Malta Labour Party SD 47.0 30 (35)
Marshall Islands (November 1995)
   House of Representatives, nonparty — — 33  
Mauritania (October 1996)
   Government party R ... 70 (67)
   Principal opposition parties ... ... 1 (2)
   Others and independents — ... 8 (12)
Mauritius (December 1995)
   Mauritian Socialist Movement and allied parties — 19.7 0 } (59)
   Mauritian Militant Movement }  —     65.2 60
   Mauritian Labour Party and allied parties (3)
   Others — 15.1 2 —
Mexico (July 1997)
   National Action Party (PAN) CR 26.9 122 (119)
   Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) C-CL 38.5 239 (300)
   Democratic Revolutionary Party SD 25.8 125 (71)
   Labour Party L 2.6 6 (10)
   Mexican Green Ecologist Party g 4.0 8 (0)
Micronesia, Federated States of (March-April 1997)
   Congress, nonparty — ... 14 (14)
Moldova (March 1998)
   Party for Romanian integration Re ... 0 (9)
   Democratic Convention of Moldova CR 19.2 26 —
   Pro-Romanian alliance CRe 8.8 11 (11)
   Agrarian Democrats (pro-Moldovan) C-x 3.7 0 (56)
   Centrist alliance C 18.2 24 —
   Pro-Russian bloc xe ... 0 (28)
   Party of Moldovan Communists K 30.1 40 —
Monaco (February 1998)
   Campora list p ... 18 (15)
   Others p ... 0 (3)
Mongolia (June 1996)
   United Heritage Party R 1.6 1 —
   Democratic Alliance coalition C-SD 47.0 50 (5)
   People's Revolutionary Party — 40.5 25 (71)
Morocco (November-December 1997)
   Justice and Welfare (Islamist) r — 1 1
   National Entente (coalition) CR 24.8 100 (129)
   Popular Constitutional and Democratic

     Movement Cr 4.1 9 (0)
   Centre (coalition) C 27.3 97 (66)
   Democratic Bloc (coalition) CL-L 34.3 102 (114)
   Others — 9.5 17 (24)
Mozambique (October 1994)
   Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) x 44.3 129 (250)
   Mozambique National Resistance (Renamo) — 37.8 112  
   Democratic Union — 5.2 9  
   Military government since September 1988 — — —  
Namibia (December 1994)
   Democratic Turnhalle Alliance C 20.8 15 (21)
   South West Africa People's Organization

     (SWAPO) L 73.9 53 (41)
   Others — 5.3 4 (10)
Nauru (February 1997)
   Parliament, nonparty p — 18 (18)
Nepal (November 1994)
   National Democratic Party R 17.9 20 (4)
   Nepali Congress Party C 33.4 83 (110)
   Communist parties K 30.9 88 (82)
   Others and independents — 17.8 14 (9)
Netherlands, The (May 1998)
   Calvinist parties Rr 5.0 8 (7)
   People's Party for Freedom and Democracy

     (Liberals) CR 24.7 39 (31)
   Christian Democratic Appeal C 18.4 28 (34)
   Democrats 66 CL 9.0 14 (24)
   Labour Party SD 29.0 45 (37)
   Green Left Lg 7.3 11 (5)
   Socialist Party L 3.5 5 (2)
   Others — 3.1 0 (10)
New Zealand (October 1996)
   New Zealand First CR 13.1 17 (2)
   National Party CR 34.1 44 (50)
   United New Zealand C 0.9 1 —
   ACT New Zealand (libertarian) — 6.2 8 —
   Labour Party CL 28.3 37 (45)
   The Alliance (coalition) L 10.1 13 (2)
Nicaragua (October 1996)
   National Opposition Union — — — (51)
   Right-wing parties R 7.6 9 (1)
   Liberal Alliance coalition R-C 46.0 42 —
   Sandinist National Liberation Front CL-EL 36.5 36 (39)
   Others — 9.9 6 (1)
Niger (November 1996-January 1997)
   Government party — ... 59 —
   Major opposition parties

   Others and independents —

— —

... 3

24 } (83)
   Military or transitional governments since 1993 — — —  
Norway (September 1997)
   Progress Party (libertarian) — 15.3 25 (10)
   Conservative Party R 14.3 23 (28)
   Christian People's Party CR 13.7 25 (13)
   Centre Party CR 7.9 11 (32)
   Liberal Party C 4.5 6 (1)
   Norwegian Labour Party SD 35.0 65 (67)
   Socialist Left Party S 6.0 9 (13)
   Others — 3.3 1 (1)
   Oman Council (advisory bodies) — — —  
Pakistan (February 1997)
   Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) — ... 134 (73)
   Pakistan Muslim League (Junejo) — ... 0 (6)
   Pakistan People's Party CL ... 18 (86)
   Awami National Party CL ... 9 (3)
   Muhajir National Movement e ... 12 (2)
   Others and independents — ... 31 (39)
Palau (November 1996)
   House of Delegates, nonparty — — 16  
Panama (May 1994)
   Democratic Revolutionary Party and allies — ... 31 (12)
   Others — ... 41 (55)
Papua New Guinea (June 1997)
   People's Progress Party Rp ... 16 (10)
   People's Democratic Movement Rp ... 10 (15)
   United Party (Pangu Pati) Cp ... 13 (22)
   Others p ... 30 (31)
   Independents — ... 40 (31)
Paraguay (May 1998)
   National Republican Association-Colorado Party R 53.8 45 (38)
   Authentic Radical Liberal Party

   National Encounter CL

— } 42.7 26

9 (33)

Peru (April 1995)
   Popular Christian Party R 3.1 3 (8)
   Popular Action CR 3.3 4 —
   Change 90-New Majority (coalition of

     independents) p 52.1 67 (44)
   Union for Peru p 14.0 17 —
   Independent Moralizing Front p 4.9 6 (7)
   American Popular Revolutionary Alliance CL 6.5 8 —
   Others — 16.1 15 (21)
Philippines (May 1998)
   National People's Coalition R 4.3 15 (23)
   Democratic Filipino Struggle R 1.8 7 (21)
   Liberal Party CR 2.7 14 ...
   People Power-National Union of Christian

     Democrats and allies CR 14.1 50 (141)
   Struggle of the Filipino Masses p 27.1 110 —
   Others and independents — 50.05 21 (16)
Poland (September 1997)
   Movement for the Reconstruction of Poland R 5.6 6 —
   Solidarity Electoral Alliance R-CR 33.8 201 —
   Other rightist parties/groups R-CR ... 0 (38)
   Freedom Union C 13.4 60 (74)
   Labour Union L 4.4 0 (41)
   Democratic Left Alliance — 27.1 164 (171)
   Polish Peasant Party — 7.3 27 (132)
   German minority e ... 2 (4)
Portugal (October 1995)
   Popular Party R 9.1 15 (5)
   Social Democratic Party CR 34.0 88 (135)
   Portuguese Socialist Party CL 43.9 112 (72)
   Unified Democratic Coalition L-K 8.6 15 (17)
   Others — 4.4 0 (1)
   Consultative Council (advisory body) — — —  
Romania (November 1996)
   Romanian National Unity Party ERe 4.4 18 (30)
   Greater Romania Party ERe 4.5 19 (16)
   Democratic Convention of Romania CR 30.2 122 (82)
   Social Democratic Union SD 12.9 53 (43)
   Social Democracy Party x 21.5 91 (117)
   Hungarian Democratic Union e 6.6 25 (27)
   Others — 19.9 0 (13)
Russia (December 1995)
   Liberal Democratic Party ERe 11.2 51 (64)
   Power to the People (right-left nationalist) e 1.8 9 —
   Our Home Is Russia CR 10.1 55 —
   Russia's Democratic Choice CR 3.9 9 (76)
   Congress of Russian Communities Ce 4.3 5 —
   Forward Russia! C 1.9 3 —
   Yabloko (Bloc of Three) CL 6.9 45 (28)
   Women of Russia CL 4.6 3 (24)
   Communist Party L 22.3 157 (45)
   Agrarian Party L 3.8 20 (55)
   Workers' Russia EL 4.5 1 (0)
   Other parties — ... 15 (137)
   Independents — ... 77 (21)
   Transitional government from July 1994 — — —  
   People's Action Movement CL ... 1 (4)
   St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party L ... 7 (4)
   Concerned Citizens' Movement e ... 2 (2)
   Nevis Reformation Party (pro-secessionist) e ... 1 (1)
Saint Lucia (May 1997)
   United Workers' Party C 36.6 1 (11)
   St. Lucia Labour Party CL 61.3 16 (6)
   New Democratic Party C 45.8 8 (12)
   Unity Labour Party CL 54.2 7 (3)
Samoa (April 1996)
   Human Rights Protection Party — 43.5 24 (30)
   National Development Party — 26.1 11 (14)
   Independents and other — 30.4 14 (3)
San Marino (May 1998)
   Christian Democrats CR 40.9 25 (26)
   Popular Democratic Alliance C 9.8 6 (4)
   Socialist Party S 23.2 14 (14)
   Progressive Democratic Party x 18.6 11 (11)
   Other parties — 7.5 4 (5)
São Tomé and Príncipe (November 1998)
   Party of Democratic Convergence — ... 8 (17)
   Independent Democratic Action — ... 16 (14)
   Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and

     Príncipe CL ... 31 (27)
   Consultative Council (advisory body) — — —  
Senegal (May 1998)
   Senegalese Democratic Party CL 19.1 23 (27)
   Socialist Party SD 50.2 93 (84)
   Let Us Unite Senegal (coalition) L 7.7 6 (3)
   Democratic Renewal p 13.2 11 —
   Others — 9.8 7 6
Seychelles (March 1998)
   People's Progressive Front Sp 61.7 30 (28)
   Democratic Party p 12.1 1 (4)
   United Opposition — 26.1 3 (1)
Sierra Leone (February 1996)
   Government party and allies pe 61.5 46  
   United National People's Party pe 21.6 17  
   Others — 16.9 5  
   Paramount chiefs (nonparty) e — 12  
Singapore (January 1997)
   People's Action Party p 65.0 81 (77)
   Singapore People's Party C 2.3 1 —
   Singapore Democratic Party CL 10.6 0 (3)
   Workers' Party L 14.2 1 (1)
Slovakia (September 1998)
   Slovak National Party Re 9.1 14 (9)
   Movement for a Democratic Slovakia CRp 27.0 43 (61)
   Slovak Democratic Coalition CR-C 26.3 42 (36)
   Party of Civic Understanding CL 8.0 13 —
   Party of the Democratic Left x 14.7 23 (13)
   Hungarian Coalition e 9.1 15 (17)
   Others — 5.8 0 (14)
Slovenia (November 1996)
   Slovenian National Party ER 3.2 4 (12)
   Slovenian People's Party R 19.4 19 (10)
   Slovenian Christian Democrats CR 9.6 10 (15)
   Social Democratic Party C-SD 16.1 16 (4)
   Liberal Democracy of Slovenia CL 27.0 25 —
   Centre-left parties CL — — (33)
   United List of Social Democrats

   Pensioner's party x

— 9.0

4.3 9

5 } (14)
   Hungarian/Italian minorities e — 2 (2)
Solomon Islands (August 1997)
   Mamaloni supporters p ... 24 (21)
   Alliance for Change (coalition) — ... 26 (17)
   Others and independents — ... 0 (9)
   No government since 1991 — — —  
South Africa (April 1994)
   Freedom Front ER 2.2 9  
   National Party CR 20.4 82  
   Inkatha Freedom Party e 10.5 43  
   Democratic Party C 1.7 7  
   African National Congress CL 62.7 252  
   Pan-Africanist Congress EL 1.2 5  
   Others — 1.3 2  
Spain (March 1996)
   Popular Party CR 38.7 156 (141)
   Basque Nationalist Party Ce 1.3 5 (5)
   Canarian Coalition Ce 0.9 4 (4)
   Convergence and Union (Catalan) CLe 4.6 16 (17)
   Spanish Socialist Workers' Party SD 37.6 141 (159)
   United Left L-K 10.5 21 (18)
   Galician Nationalist Bloc Le 0.9 2 (0)
   Herri Batasuna (Basque radicals) ELe 0.7 2 (2)
   Other regional parties e 1.6 3 (4)
Sri Lanka (August 1994)
   United National Party CR 44.0 94 (125)
   People's Alliance

   Others and independents CL

— 48.9

3.6 105

14 } (86)
   Sri Lanka Muslim Congress r 1.8 7 (4)
   Tamil United Liberation Front e 1.7 5 (10)
Sudan, The (March 1996)
   Government supporters — ... 264  
   Principal opposition forces — — 3  
Suriname (May 1996)
   National Democratic Party p 25.6 16 (12)
   Democratic Alternative '91

   Pendawa Lima (Javan party) SD

e 12.4

10.0 4

4 } (9)
   New Front coalition CLe 41.4 24 (30)
   Alliance — 9.3 3 —
Swaziland (September-October 1998)
   House of Assembly, nonparty — — 55 (55)
Sweden (September 1998)
   Christian Democrats R 11.8 42 (15)
   Moderate Coalition Party CR 22.7 82 (80)
   Centre Party CR 5.1 18 (27)
   Liberal People's Party C 4.7 17 (26)
   Social Democrats S 36.6 131 (161)
   Left Party x 12.0 43 (22)
   Green Ecology Party g 4.5 16 (18)
Switzerland (October 1995)
   Freedom Party R 4.0 7 (8)
   Swiss People's Party R 14.9 29 (25)
   Christian Democrats CR 17.0 34 (36)
   Liberal Party CR 2.7 7 (10)
   Radical Democrats C 20.2 45 (44)
   Social Democrats SD 21.8 54 (42)
   Green Party g 5.0 9 (14)
   Others — 14.4 15 (21)
Syria (November-December 1998)
   Ba'th Party and allies — ... 167 (167)
   Independents — ... 83 (83)
Taiwan (December 1998)
   New Party (pro-unification) R 7.1 11 21
   Nationalist (Kuomintang) — 46.4 123 (85)
   Democratic Progressive Party (pro-independence) — 29.6 70 (54)
   Others and undetermined — 16.9 21 (4)
Tajikistan (February-March 1995)
   Communist Party K ... 60  
   Others and independents — ... 119  
   Western/Islamic parties     1  
Tanzania (October-November 1995)
   NCCR-Maguezi C ... 16 —
   Government party S ... 186 (216)
   Civic United Front (pro-Zanzibar autonomy) e ... 24 —
   Others — ... 6 —
Thailand (November 1996)
   Thai Nation R ... 39 (92)
   Thai Citizens Rp ... 18 (18)
   National Development Party Rp ... 52 (53)
   Social Action Party CR ... 20 (22)
   New Aspiration Party p ... 125 (57)
   Democrat Party C ... 123 (86)
   Others — ... 16 (63)
Togo (February 1994-August 1996)
   Rally of the Togolese People p ... 40  
     Allied party and independents — ... 3  
   Action Committee for Renewal — ... 33  
   Union for Democracy — ... 5  
Tonga (January 1996)
   Noble representatives — — 9 (9)
   People's Party (pro-democracy commoners) — ... 6 (6)
   Other commoners — ... 3 (3)
Trinidad and Tobago (November 1995)
   People's National Movement C 48.8 17 (21)
   National Alliance for Reconstruction C 4.8 2 (2)
   United National Congress SD 45.7 17 (13)
Tunisia (March 1994)
   Government party CL 97.7 144 (141)
   Opposition parties — 2.3 19 (0)
Turkey (December 1995)
   Nationalist Action Party

   Welfare (Refah) Party ER

Rr 8.2

21.3 0

158 } (62)
   True Path Party CR 19.2 135 (178)
   Motherland Party CR 19.7 132 (115)
   Democratic Left Party CL 14.7 76 (7)
   Republican People's Party CL 10.7 49 —
   Other leftist CL-L ... 0 (88)
Turkmenistan (December 1994)
   Government (single) party x ... 50  
Tuvalu (March 1998)
   Parliament, nonparty — — 12  
Uganda (June 1996)
   National Assembly, nonparty — — 276  
Ukraine (March 1998)
   Extreme nationalist parties ERe ... 3 (5)
   Less-extreme nationalist parties Re ... 4 (15)
   Ukrainian Popular Movement

     (Rukh; pro-Ukrainian) Ce 9 45 (21)
   Centrist parties C-CL 24 96 (17)
   Communist party and allies K-EL 38 164 (132)
   Independents and others — ... 108 (230)
   Federal National Council (advisory body) — — —  
United Kingdom (May 1997)
   U.K. Unionist Party ERe 0.04 1 (1)
   Democratic Unionist Party ERe 0.3 2 (3)
   Ulster Unionist Party Re 0.8 10 (9)
   Conservative Party R-CR 30.7 165 (336)
   Liberal Democrats C-CL 16.8 46 (20)
   Social Democratic and Labour Party

     (Northern Ireland) CLe 0.6 3 (4)
   Labour Party CL-L 43.2 418 (271)
   Sinn Fein (Northern Ireland) ELe 0.4 2 (0)
   Scottish National Party e 2.0 6 (3)
   Plaid Cymru (Welsh nationalists) e 0.5 4 (4)
   Other — 4.6 2 (0)
United States (November 1998)
   Republican R-CR ... 222 (227)
   Democratic C-L ... 212 (207)
   Other L ... 1 (1)
Uruguay (November 1994)
   National (Blanco) Party C 31.4 31 (39)
   Colorado Party C 32.5 32 (30)
   New Space CL 5.1 5 (9)
   Progressive Encounter L 30.8 31 —
   Broad Front L — — (21)
Uzbekistan (December 1994-January 1995)
   People's Democratic Party and allies x 100.0 250  
   Opposition parties     1  
Vanuatu (March 1998)
   Union of Moderate Parties — ... 12 (17)
   National United Party p ... 11 (9)
   Unity Front coalition — ... — (20)
     Party of Our Land — ... 18 —
   Others and independents — ... 11 (4)
Venezuela (November 1998)
   Venezuela Project CR 10.4 ... —
   Social Christian Party CR 12.0 ... (54)
   Democratic Action CL 24.1 ... (55)
   The Radical Cause EL 3.0 ... (40)
   Political Pole coalition

   Others and independents p

— 32.2

18.3 ...

... } (55)
Vietnam (July 1997)
   Vietnamese Communist Party

     Allies K

— ...

... 384

63 } (395)
   Independents — ... 3 —
Yemen (April 1997)
   Yemeni Alliance for Reform Rr 18.5 54 (62)
   General People's Congress p 57.4 187 (123)
   Yemeni Socialist Party L — 3 (56)
   Others and independents — 24.1 60 (60)
Yugoslavia (November 1996)
   Serbian Radical Party ERe 18.5 16 (34)
   Zajedno (Together)

     (four-party coalition)

     Serbian Democratic Movement

     Democratic Party CR-CLe


C 23.9 } 22 (20)

   Socialist Party of Serbia and allies xe 48.1 64 (47)
   Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro xe ... 20 (17)
   People's Party (Montenegrin pro-Serbian) e ... 8 (4)
   Others — ... 8 (11)
Zambia (November 1996)
   Movement for Multiparty Democracy 50 60.1 131 (125)
   United National Independence Party p — 3 (25)
   Others and independents — 39.9 19 (0)
Zimbabwe (April 1995)
   Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front — 82.3 118 (117)
   Others and independents — 17.1 2 (3)
See as table:

      2Expelled September 1998.



      5Includes invalid votes.

* * *

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