Mbeki, Govan Archibald Mvuyelwa

Mbeki, Govan Archibald Mvuyelwa

      South African nationalist (b. July 9, 1910, Nqamakwe, S.Af.—d. Aug. 30, 2001, Port Elizabeth, S.Af.), as a teacher, writer, labour organizer, and editor of the leftist newspaper New Age, was in the vanguard of the antiapartheid struggle against the South African government. Mbeki joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1935 and rose to become national chairman in 1956. Arrested in 1963 for plotting to overthrow the government, he was one of the eight ANC leaders tried in the celebrated Rivonia Trial and sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island. His best-known book, South Africa: The Peasants' Revolt, reportedly was written on toilet paper in jail and smuggled to London, where it was published in 1964. Mbeki was released from prison in 1987. He won a seat in the country's first all-race Parliament in 1994 and five years later watched as his son, Thabo Mbeki, was sworn in as president.

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