sand shark

sand shark
Any of about six species of shallow-water, bottom-dwelling sharks in the genus Odontaspis (family Odontaspididae), found along tropical and temperate coastlines of all oceans.

They are 1020 ft (36 m) long and are brown or gray above, paler below. Voracious but generally sluggish, they have long, slim, pointed teeth and prey on fishes and invertebrates. Two species, the sand tiger (O. taurus) of the Atlantic and the gray nurse (O. arenarius) of Australia, are potentially dangerous.

Sand shark (Odontaspis).

Grant Heilman
EB Inc.

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 any of about three species of sharks of the genera Carcharias and Odontaspis in the family Odontaspididae. Sand sharks are found in shallow water, usually at or near the bottom, along tropical and temperate coastlines of all oceans. They range from about 3 to 6 metres (10 to 20 feet) in length and are brown or gray above, paler below. Voracious, but generally sluggish, they have long, slim, pointed teeth and prey on fishes and invertebrates. Sand sharks are potentially dangerous to humans.

      The ragged-tooth sharks, O. ferox and O. noronhai, are largely deep-water species and are infrequently encountered.

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Universalium. 2010.

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