
In Hinduism, consecrated food offered to the deity and then distributed to worshipers, who consume it as a sign of the god's favour.

Prasada is used both in temple ceremonies, where it may be offered to a god such as Krishna and then distributed by the priests, and at household shrines, where it is offered to the god and then handed out to household members. See also puja.

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Sanskritfavour, grace

      in Hinduism, food and water offered to a deity during worship ( puja). It is believed that the deity partakes of and then returns the offering, thereby consecrating it. The offering is then distributed and eaten by the worshippers. The efficacy of the prasada comes from its having been touched by the deity. Food left by a guru (spiritual leader) is considered prasada by his followers, as the guru is a living god. All food, if silently offered to God with the proper prayers before eating, becomes consecrated and is thus considered prasada.

      In Sikhism, the distribution of karahprasad, a sweet dish of wheat flour, sugar, and clarified butter, is customarily part of a worship service or of any special ceremony, such as an initiation, a wedding, or a funeral. Communal eating reinforces the ideals of social equality that are an integral part of Sikh belief.

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