- mangal-kavya
Most mangal-kavya tell how a local deity established his or her worship on earth. They are often recited at the festivals of the deities they praise. Some have become so popular that performers sing them to entertain village audiences. Many variants exist, since each singer is free to change the verses. Most are written in a simple couplet form, using earthy imagery drawn from village, field, and river.
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▪ Hindu literature(Bengali: “auspicious poems”), a type of eulogistic verse in honour of a popular god or goddess in Bengal (India). The poems are sometimes associated with a Pan-Indian deity, such as Śiva, but more often with a local Bengali deity—e.g., Manasā, the goddess of snakes, or Śītalā, the goddess of smallpox, or the folk god Dhama-Ṭhākur. These poems vary greatly in length, from 200 lines to several thousand, as in the case of the Caṇḍī-maṅgal of Mukundarāma Cakravartī, a masterpiece of 16th-century Bengali literature.Maṅgal-kāvya are most often heard at the festivals of the deities they celebrate. There is some disagreement among scholars as to whether or not the poems actually constitute an essential part of the ritual, without which it would be incomplete and not efficacious. Some of them, however, such as the Manasā-maṅgal, have become so popular that village singers, or gāyaks, often sing them for the amusement and edification of a village audience.Maṅgal poetry, unlike the texts of the Vedic tradition, is noncanonical literature and so has changed not only over the centuries but also from singer to singer, each performer being free to incorporate his own favourite legends and observations on the society around him. The texts are thus valuable not only as religious documents but also historically. The large number of variants, even among those texts that have been committed to writing, does, however, make dating extremely difficult.Maṅgals cannot be characterized by content, except by saying that they all tell the story of how a particular god or goddess succeeded in establishing his or her worship on Earth. The popular Manasā-Maṅgal, for example, tells how the Bengali snake goddess Manasā conquered the worshippers of other deities by releasing her powers of destruction in the form of snakes. The Dharma-maṅgal, which celebrates the merits of the folk god Dharma-Ṭhākur, also contains an account of the creation of the world.Maṅgals are similar in form despite the wide variance in length. They are written for the most part in the simple payār meter, a couplet form with rhyme scheme “aa bb,” etc., an appropriate form for oral literature. Another characteristic of maṅgal poetry is its earthy imagery, drawn from village, field, and river, quite different from the elaborate and sophisticated imagery more typical of Sanskritic and court poetry. An exception is the 18th-century poem Annadā-maṅgal by Bhārat-candra, a court poet who used the maṅgal form not as an expression of faith but as a frame for a witty, elaborate, sophisticated tale of love.* * *
Universalium. 2010.