
In Hinduism and Buddhism, the realm of pious celestial spirits.

In Theravada, it includes the 20 uppermost planes of existence. The lower 16 of these are the rupa-brahma-loka, material realms inhabited by progressively radiant gods. The highest four realms, the arupa-brahma-loka, are devoid of substance. Rebirth into these realms is the reward for great virtue and meditation; the level attained is determined by faithfulness to the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha. See also arupa-loka, rupa-loka.

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▪ Hinduism and Buddhism
      in Hinduism and Buddhism, that part of the many-layered universe that is the realm of pious celestial spirits. In Theravāda (Theravada) Buddhism, the brahma-loka is said to consist of 20 separate heavens: the lower 16 are material worlds (rūpa-brahma-loka) inhabited by progressively more radiant and subtle gods, the remaining 4 higher realms are devoid of substance and form and are said to constitute the arūpa-brahma-loka. Theravāda Buddhists hold that rebirth in the brahma-loka is the reward enjoyed by an individual who has accompanied great virtue with meditation. The actual level an individual attains is determined by his faithfulness to the Buddha, the dhamma (Sanskrit dharma, “teachings”), and the saṅgha (the religious community), as well as the depth of his insight into the true formless nature of the universe. Like all other worlds in Theravāda cosmology, the brahma-loka undergoes constant change, destruction, and re-creation.

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Universalium. 2010.

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