Weingartner, (Paul) Felix, lord von Münzberg

Weingartner, (Paul) Felix, lord von Münzberg
born June 2, 1863, Zara, Dalmatia, Austrian Empire
died May 7, 1942, Winterthur, Switz.

Austrian conductor and composer.

After studies in Leipzig, he came to the attention of Franz Liszt, who arranged the premiere of Weingartner's first opera at Weimar (1884). He held conducting posts at Danzig, Hamburg, and Mannheim, and he became conductor of the Berlin Opera in 1891. He succeeded Gustav Mahler as conductor of the Vienna Opera (190811) and stayed on with the Vienna Philharmonic until 1927. He also directed the Basel Conservatory (192733) and was a distinguished writer on music.

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