Tours/Poitiers, Battle of
- Tours/Poitiers, Battle of
October 732)
Victory won by the Frankish mayor of the palace Charles Martel over Muslim invaders from Spain.
Charles led Frankish troops against a Muslim army seeking to gain control of Aquitaine.
The Arab leader,
Raḥmān al-
was killed,
and the Arabs retreated.
The battle itself was part of Charles'
s campaign against the Muslims in the south and was not decisive.
It did,
mark the end of the Muslim invasions of Frankish territory and contributed to Frankish consolidation of the region.
The Frankish victory greatly enhanced Charles'
s prestige and that of his family,
the Carolingians.
* * *
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Poitiers, Battle of — (732) Battle fought by the Frankish mayor of the palace, Charles Martel, against invading Muslims from Spain on October 25, 732, somewhere between Tours and Poitiers. Although the military importance and technological impact of the battle has… … Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe
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