Titchener, Edward Bradford

Titchener, Edward Bradford
born Jan. 11, 1867, Chichester, Sussex, Eng.
died Aug. 3, 1927, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.

British-U.S. psychologist.

Trained in Leipzig under Wilhelm Wundt, he later taught at Cornell University (18921927). He helped establish experimental psychology in the U.S., and he also became the foremost proponent of structural psychology, a field concerned with the components and arrangement of mental states and processes. His principal work is Experimental Psychology (190105).

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American psychologist
born Jan. 11, 1867, Chichester, Sussex, Eng.
died Aug. 3, 1927, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.

      English-born psychologist and a major figure in the establishment of experimental psychology in the United States. A disciple of the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt (Wundt, Wilhelm), the founder of experimental psychology, Titchener gave Wundt's theory on the scope and method of psychology a precise, systematic expression.

      In 1890 Titchener entered Wundt's laboratory at the University of Leipzig, and he received his Ph.D. in 1892. Though he had little personal contact with Wundt, he thoroughly assimilated and espoused the view that the concern of psychology is the systematic, experimental study of the normal, adult mind and that its proper, not to say exclusive, method is introspection, or the precise examination and description of conscious experience. He continued to expound Wundt's views after his arrival at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1892), where he became professor of psychology (18951927).

      From 1898 Titchener was the foremost exponent of structural psychology, which concerns itself with the components and arrangement of mental states and processes. In his ambition to transplant the psychology established by Wundt and nurtured in Germany, he translated 11 German works, including titles by Wundt and Oswald Külpe. He himself wrote eight works, many of which went through several revised editions and were translated into a number of languages. By far the most important was Experimental Psychology, 4 vol. (190105), consisting of two student manuals and two teachers' manuals. Designed to drill students in laboratory method, the manuals were patterned on those used in qualitative and quantitative experiments in chemistry.

      Among Titchener's other works was A Textbook of Psychology (1910), a comprehensive, yet concise, exposition of his psychology. Though a charter member of the American Psychological Association in 1892, he did not remain with it for long. In 1904 he founded the Society of Experimental Psychologists.

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  • Titchener, Edward Bradford — (11 ene. 1867, Chichester, Sussex, Inglaterra–3 ago. 1927, Ithaca, N.Y., EE.UU.). Psicólogo británico radicado en EE.UU. Estudió en Leipzig con Wilhelm Wundt y posteriormente ejerció la docencia en la Universidad de Cornell (1892–1927).… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Titchener — Edward Bradford Titchener Edward Bradford Titchener (* 11. Januar 1867 in Chichester (England); † 3. August 1927 in Ithaca, New York, USA) war ein englisch US amerikanischer Experimentalpsychologe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Edward B. Titchener — Edward Bradford Titchener, D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D. (January 11,1867 August 3,1927) was an Englishman and a student of Wilhelm Wundt before becoming a professor of psychology and founding a psychology laboratory in the United States at… …   Wikipedia

  • Titchener —   [ tɪtʃnə], Edward Bradford, amerikanischer Psychologe britischer Herkunft, * Chichester 11. 1. 1867, ✝ Ithaca (N. Y.) 3. 8. 1927; studierte in Oxford Philosophie, promovierte 1892 bei W. Wundt in Leipzig und arbeitete danach bis 1927 an der… …   Universal-Lexikon

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