Te Kanawa, Dame Kiri (Janette)
- Te Kanawa, Dame Kiri (Janette)
New Zealand-born (half-Maori) soprano.
After winning various singing competitions at home,
she went to London for further study in 1966 and made her Covent Garden debut in 1970.
Soon moving into leading roles,
she became especially admired as the Countess in The Marriage of Figaro.
In 1974 she made a triumphal debut at the Metropolitan Opera,
substituting at the last moment in Giuseppe Verdi'
s Otello.
A glamorous and regally imperturbable presence with a rich voice,
she was chosen to sing at the 1981 wedding of Prince Charles,
and she has made many recordings.
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Dame Kiri Janette Te Kanawa — noun New Zealand operatic soprano (born in 1944) • Syn: ↑Te Kanawa, ↑Dame Kiri Te Kanawa • Instance Hypernyms: ↑soprano … Useful english dictionary
Te Kanawa, Dame Kiri (Janette) — (n. 6 mar. 1944, Gisborne, North Island, Nueva Zelanda). Soprano neozelandesa (de ascendencia maorí). En 1966, después de ganar diferentes concursos de canto en su país, se marchó a Londres para profundizar sus estudios y debutó en 1970 en el… … Enciclopedia Universal
Dame Kiri Te Kanawa — noun New Zealand operatic soprano (born in 1944) • Syn: ↑Te Kanawa, ↑Dame Kiri Janette Te Kanawa • Instance Hypernyms: ↑soprano … Useful english dictionary
dame — /daym/, n. 1. (cap.) (in Britain) a. the official title of a female member of the Order of the British Empire, equivalent to that of a knight. b. the official title of the wife of a knight or baronet. 2. (formerly) a form of address to any woman… … Universalium
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Te Kanawa — noun New Zealand operatic soprano (born in 1944) • Syn: ↑Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, ↑Dame Kiri Janette Te Kanawa • Instance Hypernyms: ↑soprano … Useful english dictionary
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