Taylor, Paul (Belville)

Taylor, Paul (Belville)
born July 29, 1930, Wilkinsburg, Pa., U.S.

U.S. modern dancer, choreographer, and director.

In 1953 he joined Martha Graham's company, where he was a leading soloist until 1960. In 1957 he established the Paul Taylor Dance Company. As a choreographer he employed a wide variety of movement styles, some of which he described as "flat" (two-dimensional in appearance), "dance scribbling" (emphasis on action rather than on shape or line), and "lyric" ("long arms"). His works include Duet (1957), Aureole (1962), Orbs (1966), and Nightshade (1979). In 1993 he formed Taylor 2, a small group of dancers who perform in smaller venues and teach the Taylor style.

Paul Taylor and Bettie de Jong in Scudorama, 1967

Jack Mitchell

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Universalium. 2010.

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