Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (Butler)

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (Butler)
(baptized Nov. 4, 1751, Dublin, Ire.
died July 7, 1816, London, Eng.) British playwright, orator, and politician.

His family moved to England, and he was educated at Harrow School in London. He rejected a legal career for the theatre. His comedy The Rivals (1775) introduced the popular character Mrs. Malaprop and established him as a leading dramatist. He became manager and later owner of the Drury Lane Theatre (17761809), where his plays were produced. He won wide acclaim for his comedy of manners The School for Scandal (1777) and showed his flair for satirical wit again in The Critic (1779). His plays formed a link in the history of the comedy of manners between the Restoration drama and the later plays of Oscar Wilde. In 1780 Sheridan became a member of Parliament, where he was a noted orator for the minority Whig party.

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