Schmalkaldic Articles

Schmalkaldic Articles
One of the confessions of faith of Lutheranism, written by Martin Luther in 1536 and considered by heads of state of the Schmalkaldic League in 1537.

A response to a bull issued by Pope Paul III calling for a general council of the Roman Catholic church to deal with the Reformation, the articles were prepared in order to determine which issues could be negotiated with Roman Catholicism and which could not be compromised. The first section discusses the unity of God, the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, and Jesus; on these subjects there was no disagreement with the Catholics. The second discusses justification by faith, the chief point of contention. The third deals with such matters as sin, repentance, the sacraments, and confession.

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Lutheran confession
      one of the confessions of faith of Lutheranism, written by Martin Luther (Luther, Martin) in 1536. The articles were prepared as the result of a bull issued by Pope Paul III calling for a general council of the Roman Catholic Church to deal with the Reformation movement. (The council was actually postponed several times until it met in Trent in 1545.) John Frederick I, Lutheran elector of Saxony, wished to determine what issues could be negotiated with the Roman Catholics and what could not be compromised. He asked Luther to review earlier statements of faith by the Reformers to determine what was absolutely essential to the faith. After Luther had prepared the articles, he invited several Reformers to Wittenberg to discuss them, and after some minor changes eight theologians signed them. They were then sent to the Elector in January 1537.

      In February 1537 the Protestant secular heads of state who were members of the Schmalkaldic League met with several theologians at Schmalkalden to decide how to deal with a council of the Roman Catholic Church. Luther became ill and could not attend, but John Frederick I presented Luther's articles to the gathering. Because of Luther's somewhat controversial doctrine of the Lord's Supper, Melanchthon urged that the Augsburg Confession and its Apology, previously presented to Emperor Charles V, adequately presented the Reformer's faith and that additional statements should not be added. This decision was adopted and the Schmalkaldic Articles were not officially accepted. They were, however, circulated and read, and 44 theologians signed them as an expression of their personal faith. Subsequently, they were included in the Book of Concord (1580).

      The Schmalkaldic Articles are divided into three sections. The first discusses the unity of God, the Trinity, the Incarnation, and Christ, and on these subjects Luther believed there was no real controversy between Roman Catholics and Protestants. The second section dealt with Christ and justification by faith. According to Luther, “On this article rests all that we teach and practice against the pope, the devil, and the world.” This section also discusses the mass, monastic orders, and the papacy. The third section discusses 15 articles that could be considered by Roman Catholics and Protestants. It includes such subjects as sin, the Law, repentance, the sacraments, confession, the ministry, and a definition of the church.

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Universalium. 2010.

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