Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
- Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
▪ work by Melanchthon
also called Appendix On The Papacy,
one of the confessional writings of Lutheranism,
prepared in 1537 by Philipp Melanchthon (
Melanchthon, Philipp),
the German Reformer.
The Protestant political leaders who were members of the Schmalkaldic League and several Protestant theologians had assembled at Schmalkalden to consider a response to a bull issued in June 1536 by Pope Paul III in which he called for a general council of the Catholic Church to deal with the Reformation movement.
Although the assembly decided not to officially endorse the confession written by Martin Luther for the occasion,
the Schmalkaldic Articles,
it was decided that a work discussing the primacy of the pope should be prepared since this subject had not been covered in the Augsburg Confession in 1530.
Melanchthon was chosen as author,
and on Feb.
he read his completed Latin manuscript to the other theologians.
Subsequently 33 of them signed the treatise as a confession of faith.
It was first published in Latin anonymously in 1540 in Strasbourg,
and the next year a German translation was published.
It came to be regarded as an appendix to Luther'
s Schmalkaldic Articles,
although later research established that it is more properly considered an extension of the Augsburg Confession.
In 1580 it was published in the Book of Concord, the collected doctrinal standards of Lutheranism.
The first section of the treatise considers the papal claim of supremacy within the church and over secular kingdoms and the necessity for Christians to believe this claim in order to be saved. Melanchthon declared the papal claim to be false and without basis in Scripture or history. In the second section, the proper role and power of bishops were considered. Melanchthon discussed what he considered abuses of the papal office and recommended that the office be eliminated.
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