Russell, William Russell, Lord

Russell, William Russell, Lord
born Sept. 29, 1639
died July 21, 1683, London, Eng.

English Whig politician.

A member of the House of Commons, he joined the opposition to the pro-French policies of Charles II. In 1678 he was convinced by Titus Oates's fabricated Popish Plot, and by 1680 he led the fight in the Commons to exclude Charles's brother James (later James II) from the succession. After Charles dissolved Parliament (1681), Russell continued to associate with Whig dissidents. In 1683 he was accused of participating in the Rye House Plot to murder Charles. The charges were never proved, but Russell was found guilty of treason and beheaded.

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English politician
born Sept. 29, 1639
died July 21, 1683, London, Eng.

      English Whig politician executed for allegedly plotting to murder King Charles II and his Roman Catholic brother James, Duke of York (James II). Because the charges against Russell were never conclusively proved, he was lauded as a martyr by the Whigs, who claimed that he was put to death in retaliation for his efforts to exclude James from succession to the throne.

      Born the third son of the 5th Earl (later 1st Duke) of Bedford, he survived his elder brothers to acquire, as heir, the courtesy title of Lord Russell in 1678. He sat in the House of Commons in all the Parliaments held during Charles II's reign, from 1660 on. About 1673 he joined the opposition to Charles's pro-French policies. Titus Oates's fabricated allegations (1678) of aPopish Plotto seize power convinced Russell of an imminent Roman Catholic threat to English Protestantism. By 1680 Russell, a close associate of the Duke of Monmouth, was leading the fight in the Commons to exclude James from the succession. But Charles defeated the exclusion movement by dissolving Parliament (March 1681), and Russell then withdrew from public life.

      Nevertheless, he continued to associate with Whig dissidents, some of whom by then had resolved to use violence to keep James from the throne. Hence, in June 1683, informers accused Russell of participating in the Rye House Plot to murder James and Charles. In July he was found guilty of treason and beheaded.

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