Ripken, Cal(vin Edwin), Jr.
- Ripken, Cal(vin Edwin), Jr.
born Aug. 24, 1960, Havre de Grace, Md., U.S.
U.S. baseball player.
Ripken was born into a baseball family;
his father and brother both played professionally.
He played for the Baltimore Orioles from 1981.
In 1990 he set single-
season records for highest fielding percentage by a shortstop (.
and fewest errors by a shortstop (
and in 1993 he broke the home-
run record for a shortstop.
On Sept.
he broke Lou Gehrig'
s long-
standing record of consecutive games played (
eventually running his streak to 2,
632 games before taking a day off in 1998.
Ripken retired at the end of the 2001 season.
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Ripken, Cal(vin Edwin), Jr. — (n. 25 ago. 1960, Havre de Grace, Md., EE.UU.). Beisbolista estadounidense. Nació en el seno de una familia beisbolista: su padre y hermano fueron profesionales. A partir de 1981 jugó en los Baltimore Orioles. En 1990 impulsó récords de temporada … Enciclopedia Universal
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