Philipon, Charles

Philipon, Charles
born April 19, 1802, Lyon, France
died Jan. 25, 1862, Paris

French caricaturist, lithographer, and journalist.

An excellent draftsman with a fertile sense of satire and vigorous political opinions, he published a series of journals of political satire. La Caricature, which he introduced in 1830, was suppressed in 1835; Le Charivari, introduced in 1832, became the inspiration for Punch, subtitled The London Charivari. His drawing showing the transformation of Louis-Philippe into the shape of a pear established the pear as the common symbol for the king. He attracted and inspired the best caricaturists in France, including Honoré Daumier and Gustave Doré.

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French caricaturist
born April 19, 1806, Lyon, France
died Jan. 25, 1862, Paris

      French caricaturist, lithographer, and liberal journalist who made caricatures a regular journalistic feature.

      Philipon settled in Paris in 1823, took to lithography, and began to draw caricatures for a living. He was an excellent draftsman with a fertile and irrepressible sense of satire. Moreover, he had vigorous political opinions, an enterprising spirit, and boundless energy. In 1830 he published a journal of political satire, La Caricature. The career of the journal was brief and turbulent; after an avalanche of legal actions, it was suppressed in 1835. Meanwhile, in 1832, Philipon had produced a daily paper (with a new caricature every day) called Le Charivari. Ten years later Le Charivari was to become godfather to Punch, subtitled The London Charivari. In 1838 La Caricature made a cautious and short-lived reappearance under the title of La Caricature Provisoire. His next publication of importance, Le Journal pour Rire (“The Journal for Laughing”; later Le Journal Amusant), appeared in 1848 in the form of large newspaper sheets filled with woodcuts. Besides these journals, Philipon issued many occasional publications, such as Le Musée Philipon, Les Robert Macaires, Les Physiologies, and numerous political brochures.

      As an artist, his best-known invention was a drawing that depicted the gradual transformation of Louis-Philippe into the shape of a pear. La Poire became the common symbol of the king, and all Philipon's artists used it in their caricatures. They were a notable group: he was able to attract and inspire the best talents in France. Honoré Daumier (Daumier, Honoré) and Gustave Doré (Doré, Gustave) were the most famous, but there were also Paul Gavarni, Grandville (J.-I.-I. Gérard), Henri Monnier, and Auguste Raffet. His effect on caricature in France was considerable and decisive, as was his influence on the development of lithography as an artistic and commercial medium.

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