Northcliffe (of Saint Peter), Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Viscount

Northcliffe (of Saint Peter), Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Viscount
born July 15, 1865, Chapelizod, near Dublin, Ire.
died Aug. 14, 1922, London, Eng.

British newspaper publisher.

After an impoverished childhood and a few attempts to make a quick fortune, he joined his brother, Harold Sidney Harmsworth (18681940), in publishing popular periodicals that formed the basis of Amalgamated Press, at the time the world's largest periodical publishing empire. In 1896 he started the Daily Mail, one of the first British newspapers to popularize its coverage to appeal to a mass readership. He also founded the Daily Mirror (1903) and bought The Times (1908), transforming it into a modern newspaper. His influence was greatest in shifting the press away from its traditional informative role to that of the commercial exploiter and entertainer of mass publics. He has been considered the most successful publisher in the history of the British press.

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