Noriega (Morena), Manuel (Antonio)
- Noriega (Morena), Manuel (Antonio)
born Feb. 11, 1938, Panama City, Pan.
Panamanian general who was the actual power behind a civilian president.
Born into a poor family,
he attended military school in Peru and joined Panama'
s National Guard on his return.
As chief of military intelligence in the 1970s,
he cooperated with the Central Intelligence Agency and negotiated the release of U.
freighter crews held by Cuba,
but he was tainted by persistent reports of drug trafficking and brutality.
In 1989,
as head of the armed forces,
he canceled election results that displeased him.
The U.
government then invaded Panama,
primarily to capture Noriega.
He was brought to trial in the U.
convicted of racketeering,
drug trafficking,
and money laundering,
and sentenced to 40 years in prison.
His jail term was later reduced.
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Noriega Morena, Manuel (Antonio) — (n. 11 feb. 1938, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá). General panameño que fue el poder real detrás de un presidente civil. Nacido en una familia humilde, asistió a una escuela militar en Perú y, a su regreso, se unió a la Guardia Nacional de Panamá. Como … Enciclopedia Universal
Noriega Morena — Noriẹga Morẹna, Manuel Antonio, panamaischer General und Politiker, * Panama 11. 2. 1934; 1968 am Putsch von Präsident Arnulfo Arias (* 1899, ✝ 1988) beteiligt, verhalf 1969 General O. Torrijos Herrera zur Machtübernahme, bis zu dessen Tod… … Universal-Lexikon
Antonio — Antonio. □ V. cruz de San Antonio. * * * Antonio, Julio Antonio, Manuel Antonio, Marco Antonio, Nicolás * * * (as used in expressions) Antonio Abad, san Antonio de Padua, san … Enciclopedia Universal
Manuel — Manuel, a 1 n. p. Nombre propio de persona. ⇒ Manolo, a. 2 (con minúsc.) f. *Coche de alquiler tirado por un caballo, corriente en Madrid a principios del siglo XX. * * * (heb. Ímmānū´ēl) ► Nombre propio de varón, aféresis de Emmanuel, «Dios con… … Enciclopedia Universal
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Manuel — /man yooh euhl/, n. a male given name. * * * (as used in expressions) Albéniz Isaac Manuel Francisco Azaña y Díaz Manuel Céspedes y Borja del Castillo Carlos Manuel de Manuel Benítez Pérez Falla Manuel de Godoy Manuel de Manuel I Comnenus Manuel… … Universalium
Noriega, Manuel — ▪ Panamanian military leader in full Manuel Antonio Noriega Morena born Feb. 11, 1938, Panama City, Pan. Panamanian military leader, commander of the Panamanian Defense Forces (1983–89), who, for the years of his command, was the actual… … Universalium
Panama — Panamanian /pan euh may nee euhn, mah /, adj., n. Panamic /pa nam ik/, adj. /pan euh mah , maw /, n. 1. a republic in S Central America. 2,693,417; 28,575 sq. mi. (74,010 sq. km). 2. Also called Panama City. a city in and the capital of Panama,… … Universalium
Liste der Präsidenten Panamas — Liste der Staatspräsidenten von Panama Name Personendaten Amtszeit José Agustín Arango (* 24. Februar 1841, † 1909) 4. November 1903 20. Februar 1904 Manuel Amador Guerrero (* 30. Juni 1833, † 2. Mai 1909) 20. Februar 1904 1. Oktober 1908 José… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liste der Staatspräsidenten von Panama — Name Personendaten Amtszeit José Agustín Arango (* 24. Februar 1841, † 1909) 4. November 1903 20. Februar 1904 Manuel Amador Guerrero (* 30. Juni 1833, † 2. Mai 1909) 20. Februar 1904 1. Oktober 1908 José Domingo de Obaldía (* 30. Januar 1845, †… … Deutsch Wikipedia