Merwin, W(illiam) S(tanley)
- Merwin, W(illiam) S(tanley)
born Sept. 30, 1927, New York, N.Y., U.S.
U.S. poet and translator.
He attended Princeton University and earned critical acclaim with his first poetry collection,
A Mask for Janus (
He became known for the spare style of his poetry,
which often expresses concerns about the natural environment and our relation to it.
His volumes include The Lice (
The Carrier of Ladders (
Pulitzer Prize),
and Travels (
His translations,
often collaborations with others,
range from plays of Euripides and Federico García Lorca to epics to ancient and modern works from Chinese,
and Japanese.
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Merwin, W(illiam) S(tanley) — (n. 30 sep. 1927, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Poeta y traductor estadounidense. Asistió a la Universidad de Princeton y fue aclamado por la crítica con su primera colección de poemas, A Mask for Janus [Una máscara para Janus] (1952). Se hizo… … Enciclopedia Universal
Merwin — /merr win/, n. 1. W(illiam) S(tanley), born 1927, U.S. poet, translator, and writer. 2. a male given name. Also, Merwyn. * * * … Universalium
Merwin — /merr win/, n. 1. W(illiam) S(tanley), born 1927, U.S. poet, translator, and writer. 2. a male given name. Also, Merwyn … Useful english dictionary
W. S. Merwin — William Stanley Merwin (* 1927 in New York) ist ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Übersetzer, der zwei Mal den Pulitzer Preis für Poesie erhielt. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Weitere Gedichtbände 3 Weblinks … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Stanley Merwin — (* 1927 in New York) ist ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Übersetzer. Der in New York als Sohn eines presbyterianischen Pfarrers geborene Merwin studierte Schriftstellerei und Romanistik an der Princeton University. Nach dem Studium… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stanley — Stanley, Wendell Meredith Stanley, sir Henry Morton * * * (as used in expressions) Baldwin (de Bewdley), Stanley, 1 conde Becker, Gary S(tanley) Derby, Edward (George Geoffrey Smith) Stanley, 14 conde de Donen, Stanley Eddington, Sir Arthur… … Enciclopedia Universal